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Wątek: BT Sync Folder

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21 z 46: GeorgeWu

Is it in program data? And what service should I start with?

14.03.2024 18:12

22 z 46: rudolf

huh? start it as normal service. what do you mean with program data.
15.03.2024 14:26

23 z 46: GeorgeWu

I mean can I find the service in my desktop? Then run it?

16.03.2024 01:08

24 z 46: techboy

yo you gotta go to the survices app I think

Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
16.03.2024 01:21

25 z 46: GeorgeWu

Yeah I'm gonna give it a try. Thanks for the help.

16.03.2024 01:34

26 z 46: Keoku

if you use BT sync it will crash! 100 percent! the only thing that can propperly sync this folder is the new and updated resilio-sync. install as windows service and enter a username and password and use the web interface

16.03.2024 13:10

27 z 46: GeorgeWu

Just to make sure, is it the username and password that I log in on my computer?

16.03.2024 17:38

28 z 46: rudolf

no. it's the one you assigned in the setup.
16.03.2024 18:26

29 z 46: GeorgeWu

Thanks. it all works.

16.03.2024 21:39

30 z 46: GeorgeWu

Yeah I have the same error as well when I tried to sync this file to my External hard drive on the sounds folder i've created. Not sure what's wrong with it, I'm not sure if it's a key problem? Or is it me? Or anything else.
-- (mad-gamer):
I can't sync this folder with Resilio. All it says is can't download file. Are there any fixes?


31.03.2024 22:20

31 z 46: DevilGuardian

Man I wish this folder was on dropbox though. It would be a hole hell of a lot easier to sink that way.

31.03.2024 22:31

32 z 46: rudolf

and a whole hell for the one which syncs it.
31.03.2024 23:27

33 z 46: GeorgeWu

I mean either or will be good.

31.03.2024 23:42

34 z 46: GeorgeWu

I more prefer BT sync. Dropbox has some file limits to Dropbox these files, 2TB at Max for the plus plan. So I think BT sync gets more secure to distribute large files.

01.04.2024 00:13

35 z 46: rudolf

but if you have it and someone hosts it and you would be able to join the shared folder, and download only what you want, that also would be kind of cool wouldn't it? I actually would move the resilio folder over there if I wouldn't have downloaded it already.
01.04.2024 10:43

36 z 46: DevilGuardian

I mean, I was able to sink the hole chiptune archive from it's oficial websight on to my pc with the wget command. I could probbebly do the same with phone tones as well, provided that it's still in active development.

02.04.2024 17:54

37 z 46: lwproductions

Yeah, and would you like to pay for all that dropbox storage?
How you view life is how you live it. View it well.
15.04.2024 05:25

38 z 46: rudolf

I have enough dropbox storage for that lol.
15.04.2024 12:24

39 z 46: GeorgeWu

The only thing that I use Dropbox for is to send someone a file that exceeds my email client's limits. So for me I don't think it's worth for me to pay just to upgrade storage.

15.04.2024 13:23

40 z 46: mad-gamer

Guys, you could all use OnwardCloud, it gives you a huge amount of storage.
Attention! The United States government has initiated effect of a new restriction on being gay. Anyone caught circumventing this restriction will be sentenced to life in prison.
18.04.2024 04:24

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