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Wątek: Your Bugs and Problems With Elten

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61 z 215: hozosch

Yes, I hope that will happen soon. I wonder when Elten 3 will come with the new engine.

05.04.2021 12:33

62 z 215: TalmadgeWells

Happy to say, I discovered the Tab key when choosing Visiting Card and Profile. Please disregard my previous post,and brother Charles, you can disregard my questioning email.
08.04.2021 04:02

63 z 215: aderito.carvalho.28

I can not enter accentuated letters and neither is it. Acent Acent No E. I use the Portuguese keyboard of Portugal

18.04.2021 20:51

64 z 215: Adventure-Time

Hello. Whenever I try adding any directory to playlist I get this error:
Script '___' line 0: NoMethodError occurred.

undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass

05.05.2021 10:35

65 z 215: bomberman29

the playlist programm is i thing little bit downdated.
my github:
06.05.2021 20:40

66 z 215: Enes

Alright, I have also suggested this for different screen readers, but now it appears that this Zhengdu will gain a lot of popularity among blind users. so you may consider adding support for it.
Enes Find my sounds at:
07.05.2021 15:31

67 z 215: Java1234


08.05.2021 22:08

68 z 215: Tsunami

the program write error and closing when i pressreturn on messages element

17.05.2021 11:37

69 z 215: Tsunami

if an user does not found and I go to his/her message the program jumpsthrough the message before I can read that the user is not found.

17.05.2021 11:46

70 z 215: Louisa

For along time now, I’ve been unable to type anything in any of the edit boxes, such as on messages or the forums, or do a search in the edit box of the youtube programme. I can’t do first letter navigation in the file manager either. The only solution I’ve found is to open word then type this post. Or any other message for that matter.

01.06.2021 21:10

71 z 215: pajper

Hmm, thank you for this report. I'll try to investigate it as soon as possible.
#StandWithUkraine Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
01.06.2021 21:38

72 z 215: bomberman29

bug! elten api programs don't rescue exceptions and make a fatal error! after that i need to restart elten.
all you need to do:
#running elten program code
rescue Exception
#code for displaying error!
my github:
02.06.2021 13:25

73 z 215: Naday

Hello... No clue if someone has posted this before, but I can't seem to be able to write on the text fields, it will randomly work or it will work sometimes if I hold a letter or number. My only way to write on here (including logging in) is writing it somewhere else, then copying and pasting on the Elten's window.

06.06.2021 01:48

74 z 215: Louisa

I’ve got the same problem. I did post about it some posts back.

06.06.2021 16:44

75 z 215: Naday

Ah thanks. Saw the posts until now lol, my bad.

06.06.2021 20:00

76 z 215: Louisa

Hi, my problem mentioned on post 70 is stil there. I hope it will be fixed sometime in the future. Not that I mind using word, it just would be nice to use elten itself, as before.

10.07.2021 21:46

77 z 215: Ryder

Okay so I went to log into elten and it gave me a google airer I realy dont under stand why, but ummm yeah.
rules, please don't read these carefully, because if you read with care, it's not important for us that who you are! we will give you a reward for not reading the rules! 1. Please attempt to change your name as fast as possible. A name change is not fine, it will be not good if players can know who you are from your first name, so changing your name so no one knows who you are really fast would be apreciated. 2. Please attempt to use any loopholes and/or anything that looks like a bug. If something is giving you 3 of an item when you should get one, you should know this is a bug, for example. Please do not report these to the developer, otherwise you'll get banned from the game 3. please use bots/auto keypressers: always you have permission, and also cheat engine and similar programs are allowed, so not using them will result in a ban 4. please abuse the AFK command. Going AFK is not fine, but when you are not, it doesn't have any problem. For example, tased or using an item grabber etc. Also, sit there in AFK until an aponent is in a vulnerable position and suddenly come after them. The result of not abusing afk is the deletion of all of your accounts. 5. Please spam the chat system. Sending good words, good jokes that make people laugh and others are not allowed. You are allowed to send bad words, insults, dirty jokes, and words that will result in screen reader crashes 6. Abuse items: trie to use items in a bad way. People who can abuse the most will get 5000 bitcoins 7. Go offline and then come back online when your in a dangerous position, for example, some one is near you, or you are about to die and more. Breaking this rule results in an instant ban. And once I ban someone, I don't really care about who I banned after that, so chances are it'll be permanent,. 8. Impersonation is allowed on this game. If you don't impersonate people in the game, it will be an instant, permanent, and no warning ban. Impersonation has a reward of 5000 bitcoins evry month 9: obscenities are considered insults in public chats, and insulting players and managers is allowed. If you insult a player, you will be rewarded with 900 bitcoins for the first time, 1800 bitcoins for the second time, 5000 bitcoins for the third time, and 4 or more times, has a reward of 25000 bitcoins. And if you insult the managers, you will get 5000 bitcoins for the first time, 15000 bitcoins for the second time, and 32000 bitcoins if you insult them 3 or more times 10. don't Have fun, don't be fair, use cheats, and we'll get angry at eatch other! we wish you sadness, cheats, insults and evry bad thing that exists in the game! note: any action that results a ban, may will take a long time for you to get unbanned. So take this in mind when you dont want to cheat, or spam, or break the roules in any way.
07.08.2021 15:31

78 z 215: kalahami

a bug I found is that if you well serch for your user, you can add your self to your contacts list.
favourite games: timecrest, code7, mortal combat 10, mortal combat11, Mortal Kombat1 and the vale.
26.08.2021 07:40

79 z 215: Lingelwap

Wen I truy to edit a Konfrens chanel ELTEN crashes
If you nead someone to talk to, I have ears! ?
08.09.2021 16:24

80 z 215: thespyde

I see a bug: When posting in the voice forum, when I preview a message my audio comes through, but when I play it back after posting the audio is gone.
Charles Wells
16.09.2021 12:47

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