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Wątek: What can we do to encourage people to come onto the conferences?

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41 z 59: nikolai

I mean, if you see that there is clear evidence that person x is causing immediate harm, beyond reasonable doubt in your opinion, wouldn't a temporary bann work until a final decision has been made?

Also, I suggest a limit on chat, where only 1 chat can be submitted every 2 seconds. That would mitigate a lot of spam we have been seeing recently.
The Program comes for us all.
03.07.2022 02:45

42 z 59: balteam

Moderators can ban people, but if you don't want to do it...
HM, it means that something is wrong, english channel belongs to english group.
It will be nice if you just ban spammers, if not, conferences will not be popular any more, at least an official english channel.
Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
03.07.2022 09:23

43 z 59: ArcticMoon

Oh no, it's not about I wouldn't want to ban, it's just not usual here to ban people without agreeing with the rest of the staff. That's why I would suggest a function for moderators so we could ban people only from conferences.
03.07.2022 14:21

44 z 59: balteam

pff, so you will also have to ask other mods, if you can ban someone on conference channel.
I understand that this function could be useful, but if you have to ask with others, it won't work.

Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
03.07.2022 14:25

45 z 59: ArcticMoon

I don't have to ask others, but I'm not the only member of the team you know. That is why we are a team, to discuss most things. Anyway if someone isn't a member of the forum but often goes to the conferences, he can't be banned from the community.
03.07.2022 16:53

46 z 59: balteam

Why not?
If someone spams there, he can be banned here as well, especially when we can't ban someone only on conferences, as I said, this channel belongs to english group.
I guess, it isn't so hard to understand how to not be annoying person...
If someone wants to spam, he can create his own channel.
And of course you should talk with other mods, but you can just discuss when you can block spammers.
It will be really slowly reaction if you have to discuss all the time about all spammers.
We had the same problems on the polish channel.
Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
03.07.2022 17:02

47 z 59: ArcticMoon

No no, Balteam, you misunderstood my last post :) he hasn't posted a single thing to the forum. Due to this fact, we can not ban him. If we banned him from the forum, I guess he wouldn't be able to join the conference either. But since he isn't a member of the forum itself, it's literaly impossible to ban because from where?
03.07.2022 19:15

48 z 59: balteam

Hmm, you're right.
I even forgot about it...
Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
03.07.2022 19:34

49 z 59: DianaCician

You could invite him here I guess, and he'll post something hopefully, or he'll join at least.
Signed by, no one in particular.
03.07.2022 19:36

50 z 59: balteam

I hope not :P
Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
03.07.2022 19:40

51 z 59: marchoffmann

better not yeah. How dare you make this suggestion!
Don't trust people if they don't give you a good reason to. They'll use it against you. Love them, But ask God whether yes or no.
03.07.2022 23:10

52 z 59: JHRadio

So i think part of the problem of everything really comes back to having only a client that can work on WIndows. This reminds me of the 2000's lol and by this I mean early 2000s

06.07.2022 00:24

53 z 59: marchoffmann

nah. I think we're only talking about in general that less people come to the conference, not how many users have elten
Don't trust people if they don't give you a good reason to. They'll use it against you. Love them, But ask God whether yes or no.
06.07.2022 00:56

54 z 59: djsenter

True, the ratio has no comparison, even if 100 users were online, maybe 4 or 5 would be on conferences max and some of them would be on private channels too, so the access is kind of minimised.
06.07.2022 10:50

55 z 59: JHRadio

Private ones aren't shown I guess?

07.07.2022 23:44

56 z 59: balteam

Ye, private channels are not shown, and a lot of people just call to each other and in the end public channels are less popular.
Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
07.07.2022 23:52

57 z 59: JHRadio

oh, didn't relize that. I'm fairly new here too so.

08.07.2022 00:50

58 z 59: thespyde

You can get the private channels to show, but then you'd need the password for those which have password protection, so you'd have to be invited to one by a friend or some such.
Charles Wells
08.07.2022 11:10

59 z 59: JHRadio

Oh makes sense. no point to just show them without a reason. then

08.07.2022 20:07

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