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Forum: Mixed forum

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Music thread: Sing, or play on Your musical instruments or all together

Wpisy: 1167
Autor: Emrah20

Udio AI music generator

Wpisy: 146
Autor: KittyCat

speech synthesis bloopers and fun things

Wpisy: 364
Autor: bomberman29

Share your ringtones

Wpisy: 34
Autor: fluttershy1

speech synthesizers

Wpisy: 94
Autor: kindnesslover

Wpisy: 604
Autor: techboy

What are some of your favorite things to do outside?

Wpisy: 12
Autor: DerekMerced

dectalk archive

Wpisy: 6
Autor: killerzomby888

Mechanical Music Radio

Wpisy: 9
Autor: paddelberd

how is my mix?

Wpisy: 30
Autor: JimPickens

how would I make something like this in goldwave, example, what effect, s, would I need?

Wpisy: 3
Autor: mattcurtis3


Wpisy: 1
Autor: tonio2007

I need a good aranger workstation and I need help

Wpisy: 45
Autor: Urh2006

Yamaha Genos

Wpisy: 31
Autor: GeorgeWu

AI covers and stuff

Wpisy: 50
Autor: Victor

Wpisy: 4
Autor: murderer

Your introduction

Wpisy: 703
Autor: x0

Galactic colonies: Tips and workarounds

Wpisy: 1
Autor: marchoffmann

Question about sleeping.

Wpisy: 13
Autor: DerekMerced


Wpisy: 10
Autor: daszekmdn
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