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Wątek: how is my mix?

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1 z 30: JimPickens

13.08.2024 00:59

2 z 30: JimPickens

the actual song is on youtube, feedback? I think it's better, but staying objective on one's own work isn't easy. Stems from the cambridge Multitrack Library

13.08.2024 01:01

3 z 30: JimPickens

fixed audio next, sorry for the low quality

13.08.2024 01:01

4 z 30: JimPickens

13.08.2024 01:02

5 z 30: djsenter

The drumkit is really hidden somewhere at the back, try to bring it out a bit, so it's closer to the vocals
14.08.2024 19:09

6 z 30: JimPickens

yeah, can't do that due to the way it was recorded

15.08.2024 22:44

7 z 30: marchoffmann

Gosh I imagined your signature to be part of your message for a second uh. Silly me. I didn't listen to the song but why can't you rerecord/find another version or whatever, regarding the answer to that question.
16.08.2024 17:51

8 z 30: JimPickens

no i sent the first audio file with the wrong codec, also i made a few improvements but will uplode that later

19.08.2024 20:09

9 z 30: ArcticMoon

your mix is cool but not enough cats in it, you should possess more
#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
19.08.2024 23:02

10 z 30: JimPickens

oh trust me i know

20.08.2024 00:15

11 z 30: EugeniuszPompiusz

Let me start by saying that this track is really great,
Can you post the title, so I would try myself on it too.
It is the kind of a track that i like to mix the most.

OK, Now regarding the mix;
I don't believe that there is only kick drum track, and just overheads. Putting the snare track up front around 3 dB or more should do the trick.

Also, Don't fear the reaper, as the classic said; More precisely, don't fear the compression.
All the drum tracks can be squashed a little bit, The biggest squashing potential is especially in the snare area.
Overheads are the next nice point of squash.
Mixed with tasteful amount of highpass filtering would make these drum tracks yet more selective and would leave some space.

Guitars are the matter of a taste; One would prefer the more US-style mix and effects, One would prefer more relaxed sound.
To my taste, there is still a 1 or 1.5 dB of space in the left channel guitars - especially rhythmic section, which can be populated a bit more, to perceptibly make this left side as attractive as the right.
You know, Mybrain while listening to the audio focused more on the right channel, which probably means that this left channel guitars might be a little bit louder to compensate.

Of course, I am aware that the right side simply plays more ornaments, and that's why it seems more attractive, but generally speaking, Thinking more frequency-wise would make things a bit more selective whilst catching the focus.

The strong point is in the vocals; I don't know how the tracks of the vocal chorus were constructed, in the source material.
If they were completely dry, then nice job of you.
Consider making these choruses a bit louder - I.E. Surgical work, less than 1 dB louder.

Also, as for the drums, A tasteful amount of compression on the whole vocal bus might be apropriate, but it is not a must.

Overall tonal balance is quite appropriate for the style,
Sygnaturka.: "That seems to point up a significant difference between Europeans and Americans. A European says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?' An American says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?'" TERRY PRATCHETT
20.08.2024 01:12

12 z 30: JimPickens

yeah, squiezed it a bit, amalog sim

20.08.2024 01:13

13 z 30: JimPickens

i've got a new mix hold on

20.08.2024 01:13

14 z 30: EugeniuszPompiusz

Post scriptum.: Listening for a second time I spotted some seriously sounding clipping products, either in the final limiters sections or at the stage before master effects.

Focus on the bass guitar / kick drum interactions; There are some intermodulation distortion products here.
Sygnaturka.: "That seems to point up a significant difference between Europeans and Americans. A European says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?' An American says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?'" TERRY PRATCHETT
20.08.2024 01:17

15 z 30: JimPickens

20.08.2024 01:17

16 z 30: JimPickens

how is this? Still pretty new so your feedback is particularly valuable

20.08.2024 01:18

17 z 30: JimPickens

about the guitars i saw the same but thought it was just me, decided against it for fear of a bias

20.08.2024 01:24

18 z 30: EugeniuszPompiusz

OK, so exercise number 1.

bypass all the master - finalizing effects, compressors etc. from the master bus.
Check the levels, (I don't know which way of doing it would be effective in Logic that you're using).

If the master mix which you do in the bypass mode gets above 0 dBfs, then, before re-enabling master effects, turn down the conflicting tracks proportionately, just to not go down to 0 without effects.

I suspect, that there is some distortion/overload before the final mastering section.
Regardless of the exercise results, you can clamp down the bass guitar by 1 - max 1.5 dB, since for some notes it is subjectively too loud to my taste.

**simple caution, if for measuring levels you have to do the export, do not export to mp3, since mp3 would not tell you if there was a real overshoot.
Also, it is wiser to export to max. -0.5 dBfs, if you wish to re-enable final mastering limiters, since MP3 has it's own margin of overshoot, and internal clipping during decoding might occur.
Sygnaturka.: "That seems to point up a significant difference between Europeans and Americans. A European says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?' An American says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?'" TERRY PRATCHETT
20.08.2024 01:37

19 z 30: JimPickens

wait how do you know i use logic?

20.08.2024 01:38

20 z 30: JimPickens

ok thanks, this was all info i learned but never thought to put to use, guess practical experience really is the best way to learn, over all though, how would you rate the mix, /10

20.08.2024 01:40

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