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Użytkownik: rudolf


Płeć: mężczyzna
Wiek: 13
Widziano: 2024-07-27 00:28



Hello there and thanks for stopping by! I'm garo, was born in germany at the 26th april 2011 and am blind from birth. My hobbys are doing AI stuff, sometimes playing audio games, but mostly playing muds. I am very active on this platform and got registred 2022, at the 10th march. I am in the 6th grade.

My real name is Leon, though I don't like it much when people from which I don't want it call me with my real name. better just use Garo or Rudolf.

I learned english mostly due playing enlish audio games and chatting, though the school also contributed a bit to my english knowledge. speaking about languages, I can actually can speak the two languages english and german pretty well, though my grandparents are actually coming from poland.

I can code the two programming languages BGT and HTML. Sometimes I am creating little projects out of boredom with this programming languages. The programming language NGT is very semilar to BGt, so I don't list it here.

I have here in elten a feed in english in wich I am writing very much. I also have a blog but it is german. on it I post sometimes let's plays of some games, mostly avalon with my friends. I planed a long time ago to make also a english blog, but actually I never did it.

I have a little web site thingy. If you wanna alink, here you go:

I think that was everything.

if you want to join my community with over 30 members, but you don't know where, the following things are maybe helpful to you.
elten forum: garo's world.


now a list with my contacting options and games/programs I am playing/using are following:
cosmic rage: rudolf OOC
SBYW: garo
avalon: rdlf/garo/balroc/pilzfuss/dromar/samhrios/thius
knightmanager: garo#50298
old discort: garo9518
new discord username: garo
keybase: rudolf_2023 and rudilein
hearthstone: garo#21163
mist world: garo#9780
bloodwar: garo

in aktually all platforms I am using, mostly my username is something like rdlf, garo, or rudolf. if this name is in some games to short, I prever it to use garo1 or garox, garoX and everything semilar.


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