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Użytkownik: marchoffmann

Jesus is king. He is Lord. The father that can do the impossible.


Before I'll put the generic info about me, feel free to follow my blog and feed for the most bullshit this program can ever offer in its amazing history!
I'm marc. I live in norway, am 17 and i'm still kind of learning the language. So in case there's any norwegian on here one day, feel free to drop a message!
Even though my provided location is Kristiansand, I'm still a little while away from there, in a small town called lyngdal. So don't search for me there, its just the closest location I could select from the wery wery bad list.
You will most likely see me on here all day, because, I may just have nothing else to do. This is a nice place to surround yourself with others in 1 way or another, Or that is what I think. I like to play many types of online games, hangout with friends, listen to music, especially a lot of worship music, from the moment on I became a christian, that being since the very end of april 2022. And I don't regret any single bit of that decision. I as well read quite often in the bible now, and I'm leading a christian group which, as of now doesn't have very many participents, so if you are a christian, or interested in christianity or, idk whatever else, you're more than welcome to join! Or even if you just want to talk about anything regarding christianity privately, share experiences and whatnot, send a dm!
As for gaming, I'm the content creater and sound designer of a small group called heaven games, which I'm leading with my friend on here. If you want to know more, you can check my online games corner's section about us, drop a message, or visit
I also like being in the water, so sometimes I'm in the swimming hall too.
Especially since my 17th birthday at which I got a digital piano, I'm playing more often. Maybe will get into music production soon. Also, I'm singing and I keep improving much, but I'm often shy with my singer voice and I don't let many people hear it, but I'm sure we all know the glory of just singing sometimes, so freely and like you want, with noone caring about your skills.
Since may, I started to deal with panic attacks. Those were likely triggered by an epilepsy attack in april, so I'm kind of sensitive with many things nowadays, which can be a problem, do to them triggering those panic attacks too. But I'm working on it, and it nearly doesn't happen anymore.
Feel free to drop a message if you want to say something, i'll definitly reply! Please only in understandable english/german. And maybe norwegian, but don't make it to complex Lol. Thanks for waisting your time, you shall continue with what you've been doing before reading this super hyper damn mega awesome interesting cool nice well written creative and just professionally proven informational visiting card which is very very legendary cool and epicly written!
Ok, no enough. Woops. Bye!


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