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Użytkownik: Nikolatheserb

Nikola Zekić

Płeć: mężczyzna
Wiek: 28
Widziano: 2024-04-25 22:51



By profession, I am an ethnomusicologist. I collect 78 RPM discs, mainly those that were recorded in the Balkan peninsula (my focus being mostly on Serbian and Croatian discs). It is my greatest desire to preserve at least the voices of those, who are forgotten. I am particularly interested in the music and stories of our neighbours and fellow countrymen, the Sephardic Jews.
I love reading, especially epic fantasy, Victorian novels, as well as the novels of Yugoslav authors. I greatly dislike most modern music, prose and poetry. I cordially ignore the rest, with very few exceptions.
I hate political correctness, and believe it ought to be done away with.
If you have questions, do not ask my admirers, nor my detractors. Kindly ask me directly.


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