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Ioana Diana Cician

Płeć: kobieta
Widziano: 2024-07-13 16:25



Hello. This is a person :P I absolutelly suck at starting conversations. If you like what you're reading here, feel free to message me, it's ok. I might or might not check Elten a lot. But if you look for Diana Cician on Facebook, Instagram, or Telegram, or @TheDianoid on X, formerly known as twitter, I'm there. Also my email is, but I check that very rare times. I think I have other socials too, but these I mentioned here are checked when I get bored more often.
I dislike my first name, so I'd preffer you calling me Diana. It's not that it's a bad name, but it's like a version of the name John but in Romanian, and a lot of women have it here. So by this point, after being called all my life Diana, I kind of dissasociated from it and probably I won't react.
I have a lot of weird views. Some controversial, some common. And they all might have changed if we didn't talk in over 3 months, and they might inevitably change if I'm being proven wrong with credible and good sources.
I have periods when I feel like distancing myself from everyone and everything, because I hate talking about myself, more so about my emotions and I observed that I tend to do this when I feel like I have problems, so if I distance myself sorry, it’s nothing personal, it’s just a thing I have to work on.
I know a lot of stupid random useless facts to spam you with. That's because most of the time I can't focus for a long period of time on things and I read a lot of them while multitasking. I'm bad at memorizing things, but there are some that stuck with me and I can bother you with them if you wish.
I listen to music and podcasts a lot of the day. I hate silence. Why? I don't know, don't ask me. I mean silence can be nice, sometimes, but I turn too much to overthinking if I sit in silence for let's say more than 2 hours, but it also helped me realize a lot about myself, so cheers.
I love fluffy animals. Preferably cats, but small and cute dogs are good too. I'm afraid of big dogs for no reason though. I'd love to have a cat, but only if someone takes care of it for me, and how the chance is rare of someone doing that, most probably I won't have one anytime soon. :(
I love learning languages. It's intriguing. So far I can talk to you to a native level in Romanian. Quite fluently I think I know English, though I'm not perfect in it and my accent needs some improvement. Also I know quite some Spanish, Italian and writen German because my pronunciation is trash. At this moment, I'm trying to learn Turkish, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese, and good German pronunciation. I also know some Slavic languages, Hungarian, and some other languages I started to learn yet stopped because I had no one to practice with, or I was too shy to do it.
I love to write. But I'm insecure about my level, so I don't save or publish most of what I write most of the time. Yeah, I can write a thing for you to show you how I write. No, I won't publish it anywhere. Yes, publish it, take the rights for it if it's in your hands, do whatever.
I’m not a big fan of calls. Why? Don’t ask me, I don’t know. I feel like I express myself better by writing. And before you feel weird, no, it’s nothing personal. I don’t talk a lot by calls to those I even consider close family or friends, so it’s nothing against you. I’m also pretty insecure about my voice yet I might send voice messages if I’m a lazy creature that day.
I’m quite a perfectionist towards the things I can control. I don’t want to smell bad. I absolutelly am disorganized though. Etc. I quite contradict myself sometimes, but I’m a bit perfectionist. Sorry for that if we ever talk and come to fight because of it.
I'm not the most religious person ever. On paper, I'm Christian, respectivelly Orthodox. In practice, I go with my grandmother most Sundays to church. But, as for considering myself religious, I don't think I'm the most religious one out there, though I believe there's a God, yes.
I've read the complete Bible 2 times, one in my native language (Romanian), and once in English, so if you want to discuss it I'll gladly do it. I've started to do it once in both languages when I was like 12, but I don't remember if back then I finished it. Which talking about books, I love reading. I mainly preffer romantic books, or psychology based ones. Sometimes, I read criminal ones, with a detective if I can. But I read whatever sounds interesting.
Anyway, enough about me. What about you? Listening. ?


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