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Wątek: Porównajmy nasz pisany język Angielski, no śmiało!

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1 z 10: djsenter

Napewno nie jest to wątek który ma za zadanie śmianie się i poniżanie kogokolwiek ze względu na jego umiejętności, jednak ciekawi mnie wasz poziom języka Angielskiego, jeżeli chodzi o pisownie.
Wklejcie jakieś fragmenty mniej prywatnych wiadomości, artykułów, postów blogowych, i co tam jeszcze macie, z waszym udziałem.
Niech to będzie ciekawe i przyjemne doświadczenie!
Tu coś odemnie.

They sat around the fire. It's warmth being the only hope of a better tomorrow. It's glow being the only source of light. The light was not something they could afford to have too much of, yet they were not in the greatest of shape and had to at least for a short while, feel at home. If it is even possible to call the dark, grim reality of this part of town, a home. They did not care either way. For many nights like this they have already spend, hiding in rubbish heaps turned into improvised shacks where the rats and mice often were found, sleeping alongside them, then running around and squeaking like mad when awake. That was not something negotiable however. They were after all, a part of a greater cause. They wanted to free their kingdom!

This is what kept them alive. Stolen, half-emptied bottles of cheap ale, the worst of its kind. Pieces of bread, given to them by children passing by to school, which felt sorry for the poor souls. Dirty, stinking rags around their waists which at least preserved whatever dignity they had left, although there wasn't much of it.

Even Eloro, the mightiest of them all, the real Man of Business, King of Gold Ale, Friend of the Oppressed, Broken Men, was now no closer to a respectable gentleman than a homeless street dog is to a Persian Cat. In this town in fact, he could be everything, but never himself. And that's what has been killing him from inside for so damned long.

He did however, possess such a company of friends that would die with him, just to come back from the dead and die again. The fact that they have been fighting for a greater cause has made them even more resolute to show their loyalty and use their skills to the best of their ability.

There was Akha, a wizard from lands far off, who once advised Eloro in turns of business ventures, as well as providing a magical spell from time to time, to make sure that the smell of the Ale was irresistible and dozens of merchants, ship captain's with their harsh appearances, young students celebrating their graduations, and even families who wanted to reunite for some occasion or just for the sake of doing so, gathered by various fire places of the tavern. It really didn't matter anymore. He now walked with his head cast down, tired and hardly a spark of defiance has remained in his careful hawk-like eyes. Never the less, he could cast spells and sometimes got them out of the revenge of everyone and everything, including the mother nature which on a whim has turned it's back on them as well, from time to time.

There was Aroyo, with his large and tough hands, a jolly, determined smile, which often has turned into almost dangerous frowns for the last months and a well-crafted axe! He managed to retrieve it before they stormed his household. He couldn't believe his luck! A pragmatic lumberjack and a carpenter, a bit of both in fact. Depending on the demand of other merchants as well as ordinary people. Usually middle class. In any case, his services were always in demand and he's been doing a great job for a good while now, so he has managed to build strong business relation and even a few useful friendships along the way. Where were his friends now? He couldn't have known. Did they run also? Did they hide under disguises? Did that bastard catch them? They have received clear orders. They couldn't look back. And thus he now sat next to his comrades of misery and gloom, thinking about how to accomplish the mission which he agreed on.

Lastly Tioro. The King's guard. An honourable man. Quite emotional, melancholic and artistic. Called the Misfit by some of his friends back at the watchtower. He was likeable though. A good warrior, played the flute, sang well, and wrote poetry. A rather strange individual, but with a heart of gold.

And so they now sat around the fire. It's warmth being the only hope of a better tomorrow. It's glow being the only source of light. Speaking in a tone loud enough to be heard for maybe ten meters, not more than that.
"You wanna try some of that new ale that Eloro has bought, Tioro?" asked Aroyo, with a slight smirk, taking a swig of the ale for himself.
"No thank you, Aroyo. You and your nasty substances folks, will get you in to trouble, mark my words!" They laughed.

Although the laughter was meant to be soft and sincere, it came out more as a cackle of the hardened criminals walking round the streets, especially at this time. After all, they were criminals in a sense. The thugs thought they would be able to handle them like any other exiled band of suckers, yet they did put up a fight, eventually causing two gangs to fight and wipe out most of each other. They did not wish for any publicity nor did they want popularity, but the rival gangs of those they dealt with had found out, and although wary of the King's Guard, since they had their suspicions towards him, had offered them a place in their gang, a regular shelter and even better, money! They had politely declined the place within any gang, but Eloro has negotiated a few deals with the thugs. Since murder and herbs sales were not something they were interested in, the leaders had offered them various other jobs to help them get settled within the slums. Eloro, visited local shops under the gang's protection and started helping with their management. He send little boys who had no opportunity to go to school to spy on more established businesses. He asked them to report back on the demand for supplies, any visible marketing strategies used and so on: He paid them as well as he could not to cause trouble for the barely functioning shops, and even that was something for the little boys. They soon have grown to respect and listen to the man's advice. A few of the most promising boys, he even employed to do some minor role, but at least get some additional money for their family. This in turn has attracted the attention of their parents who had become more frequent customers at those shops. The word of the mouth was something that definitely worked, especially in a place like slums, where excitement is rare.

Akha has used his healing magic, although he wasn't the best at it, to save some babies and their mothers from dying during and after birth. Furthermore, the wizard has helped the various gangs to become more powerful, since he sold them arrows which when in contact with anything shot at, would set it in flames. Since Aroyo was a carpenter, he would craft very decent bows with the gang's motto carved into them and they would split the money between each other.

Tioro, although not very trusted at first, had soon enough got his respect back from the thugs and other slum folk. He was bright, polite and entertained them, also protecting when necessary. He also engaged in the defences of the territory of the gang, since he felt a kind of gratitude for the opportunities they have received thanks to the generosity of the thugs.

They were still rather unfortunate though, and to make a bigger change, they could not waste their money on sleeping in any building. Not yet. Their plans went way deeper than that.
"This is all we got, brother. Why not enjoy it?"
"Well Aroyo, you know that once a day, Akha purifies the water within the fountain and you can take a sip, or even fill your waterskin that you have managed to buy from that one-legged dwarf, right?"
"Tioro, I proclaim you the most boring of all the men I have ever met!"
"Thank you for your kind words, but you know that you don't mean it," said Tioro and even he chuckled a little. They all knew very well, what a privilege it was to have friends like each other in such times. He only worried about their safety. Of course they were aware of that. Aroyo was the type of man to tease him about it either way.

The other two men, Akha and Eloro, sat next to the fire some distance away from the other two and spoke in a much more hushed manner. They wished to not be bothered.
"What do you think they are speaking of, Aroyo?" This time after a little pause, Tioro has decided to continue the pointless, but a sincere small talk with his friend.
"Probably some business. It could be magical tricks covered up by the fog, as if I know. You know I is not into that stuff, brother. I do practical, they need me then they need me, they don't then they don't."
"Yes, surely it must be true. A man who's been making business connections and being the most respected carpenter in the whole..."

Then he stopped speaking. His thoughts had carried him to a different time.
20.10.2020 21:31

2 z 10: tomecki

Od razu mówię, że moje się nie liczą, bo namiętnie korzystam z tłumacza od Google. Nie pamietam kiedy ostatnio sam coś stworzyłem, bo angielski słaaabo. Znaczy owszem, mogę powklejać nawet z ciekawości czy moje sposoby na weryfikację tego czy jest ok mają sens.

21.10.2020 18:54

3 z 10: djsenter

A to prosimy, prosimy!
21.10.2020 19:04

4 z 10: tomecki

No to na dobry początek taki dość mocno techniczny mail a propos jednego z instrumentów wirtualnych:

That's a great message. So, if I understand correctly, I can create a setup in which I will have all possible articulations available and I can switch between them? In other words, is there enough keyswitches for this?
Perhaps the last question concerns the humanization of the pitch. I have listened to quite a lot of presentations and noticed that when played very quickly, the instrument behaves like a real violinist who is not always able to hit the right pitch precisely. Can this behavior also be user-controlled? If so, can I control this humanization through e.g. a MIDI CC message?

21.10.2020 19:40

5 z 10: nuno69

Mała próbka.
Chapter 1: Basic shortcuts

CTRL+ALT+U - Starts or restarts ZDSR commercial version (if installed).
CTRL+ALT+I - Starts or restarts ZDSR Public Wellfare version (if installed).
CTRL - Stops reading.
PAUSE - Suspends or resumes ZDSR.
CTRL+ALT+WIN+F12 - Switches between various suspension modes.
Numlock (twice) - makes the numpad behave like an arrow pad.
ZDSR+X - Reads the text from cursor up to the bottom of the document.
ZDSR+T - Reads the current title bar.
ZDSR+T (long press) - Toggles monitoring of the title bar for changes.
NUMPAD 9 - Cycles between buttons on the title bar (most often buttons like "close", "maximize" ETC).
NUMPAD ENTER - Performs the default operation on the current item.
CTRL+WIN+NUMPAD DIVIDE - Reads the current progress bar (notification bar on Internet Explorer 9 and later).
CTRL+WIN+NUMPAD DIVIDE (long press) - Toggles monitoring of the current progress bar.
CTRL+WIN+NUMPAD DIVIDE - Reads the status bar.
ZDSR+Z - Opens the ZDSR menu.
ZDSR+Q - Reads current CPU usage.
ZDSR+Q (twice) - Reads the current RAM usage.
ZDSR+TAB - Re-reads the current focus with more information.
ZDSR+TAB (twice) - Reads the information about current process.
ZDSR+2 - Opens ZD Cloud (if installed).
ZDSR+3 - Opens the chinese calendar.
ZDSR+4 - Toggles the ZDMagnifier.
ZDSR+F1 - Toggles keyboard help.
ZDSR+F9 - Next voice profile.
ZDSR+SHIFT+F9 - Previous voice profile.
ZDSR+F10 - Temporarily switches output to the next sound card.
ZDSR+SHIFT+F10 - Temporarily switches output to the previous sound card.
ZDSR+F11 - Reads the current chinese date.
ZDSR+F12 - Reads the current time.
ZDSR+F12 (twice) - Reads the current date.
ZDSR+APOSTROPHE - Simulates pressing of the "applications" key.
CTRL+NUMPADDELETE - Switches between child windows of the current process.
ZDSR+NUMPADDELETE - Moves forward in a list of open windows including child windows regardless of their process.
ZDSR+SHIFT+NUMPADDELETE - Moves backwards in a list of open windows including child windows regardless of their process.
ZDSR+NUMPAD 9 - Enables one-handed operation mode.
ZDSR+NUMPAD 9 (long press) - Disables one-handed operation mode.

- "Intelligence and wisdom is like jam. The less you have, the harder you're trying to spread it arround." - French proverb
12.11.2020 09:54

6 z 10: Snajper22

Jak znajdę jedną historię, którą pisałam na angielski to się podzielę.
"Czy ty jesteś bardzo odważny? - Średnio. - A co zrobiłeś najodważniejszego w swoim życiu? - (...) Wstałem dziś rano." Cormac McCarthy, "Droga"
28.01.2021 23:22

7 z 10: johnson

Rozmowa niemiecko/polsko/angielska z urzytkownikiem mirko. Polski był oczywiście przez tłumacza. Moje psełdo wypociny z pustej głowy brane brzmią tak.
Hello. I don't remember what I did. Do one of this. Write to pajper that You have a sound theme. I thing that before better will be like send this to cloud and give him a link. I wasn't in german community because I'm from poland so I don't know is this topic on one of this forums. That's all what I can say to you. My memory isnt very large. :)

29.01.2021 12:40

8 z 10: Snajper22

Hej, zapraszam do lektury. Konstruktywna krytyka mile widziana w wiadomościach prywatnych, aby nie robić tu zamieszania. :-)
A young boy at the age of 10 is standing beside the window in his bed-room. He has a royal blue eyes and a short brown hair. He is wearing a green pyjamas the a big red dragon at the front of its t-shierd, he is smiling in to the dark night.
It was late night, but Kendrick still couldn’t fall asleep” He got up of the bed and looked through the window again.
“how much I would like to be at the dragon’s village, the same, which was in this book I have read with my dad tonight.” Kendrick thought.
Suddenly, he heard a loud noise and at the same moment he noticed a bright yellow and red flames up the dark sky. After few minutes he could see a huge bright r dragon, who is fling towards him.
When the dragon have landed at the opposite side of the window, the boy stops his breath for a moment, then opened the window and got outside.
“Is it real?” Kendrick asked himself. Then he asked loudly: “How did you get here?”
With no believe that he will answer to him, Kendrick begin to walk slowly towards this huge magical creature. He was a few meters away when he heard: “I came here because I knew,, that you have the power to help us protect Dragonium, my village.” A dragon said.
A kid stopped and looked at the dragon carefully, then he said: “How you know human language? How could I help you, I don’t have any special power, I’m just a child.”
“Take all those things.” Dragon and give him the destiny sword and the armor
Kendrick already with a sword in his hands and Armor on his body is bling on dragon’s back to safe the village.
After few hours he looked down and saw a village under the attack of wild creatures” The villagers were doing everything to protect their homes and children, but they could stand against the power of those monsters.
Suddenly, Khron, that was the dragon’s name, dive steeply at the group of monsters and now the boy knew what he’s supposed to do. He reached out his hand with a sword and killed eleven of them.
Others dragons helped him and killed the rest with their fire.
After two long days of fight the Dragonium was safe” khron is fling back with Kendrick on his back to dropthe boy back home
Right now, Kendrick is again standing beside the window, the sun was rising up and he was wandering: Was all of those things real? Would I get another chance to see Khron again?”

"Czy ty jesteś bardzo odważny? - Średnio. - A co zrobiłeś najodważniejszego w swoim życiu? - (...) Wstałem dziś rano." Cormac McCarthy, "Droga"
02.02.2021 23:05

9 z 10: Snajper22

Odświerzam wątek.
Proszę oto jeszcze jedna historia. Nie używałam tłumacza.

A young male with his two others climbing partners got to the BC, (base camp), at about 13:25. His name is Kendrick, a 25 years old ambitious guy, who wants to achieve his dreams and to stand on the top of his first mountain, which has over 8 thousand meters over the sea level.
Kendrick and his partners have chosen The Broad Peak to do it. A few first days have past on resting and preparing for three or four days up on the mountain realising their goal.
Kendrick is a tall, good-looking young person. He has a light brown hair and blue eyes, in which the determination, excitement and a shadow of uncertainty, could be observed. Up to this moment Kendrick have climbed Mound Blanck and others mountains in Alps, He went to France, Germany, Austria and Poland to gather experience and learn skills, which are essential to climb the highest mountains on the Earth. It took him about 7 years, 7 years of training and climbing expeditions to lower mountains to use and improve his skills. Right now Kendrick is standing with his friends beside, looking ahead to the unknown, uncertain future.
A week later, Wednesday the 6th of January , Tommy and Kendrick are going to secure a way to C I, Erec is staying at base camp. The weather is great clear sky and no snowing. Both climbers reach the hight of 5600 m. over the sea level and they set a first camp there, and getting back to the base camp to get all things, which they will need later on the mountain.
After three days all three of them are already at hight of 6500 M in the third camp, the weather got worse suddenly, they have decided to stay at C III for the night, and then if the weather won’t improve they will go back down. For the next day the weather is windy, but no snowing, they wereclimbing higher to the last camp before the summit attack at 7600. They wereleaving the third camp at about 5:45 in the morning, after gathering all needed stuff, they have started to go up. After five hours they reach 7100, they have still 500 meters to climb. At about 13:30 they finally are in the fourth camp. Now they need to eat something, drink and gather energy for the final day of climbing up to reach the summit, exhausted , but so happy and proud of themselves they fall asleep.
The 11th ofJanuary, tied with a rope, with a grips on their boots they finally reached the summit 8047m, at about 12:30. They get back to the fourth camp and slept there. The next day, while they were going back to the second camp, without stopping at the third camp suddenly the storm come over the mountain, and nothing show that it will end quickly. The snow and temperature which rapidly dropped to -35 degrees, have made the way down more difficult.
Suddenly Tommy heard:
“AAAA…”He recognised this voice, it was Erec.
He heard him, but he couldn’t see him, and he wasn’t sure what have exactly happened. Kendrick felt a sudden tug on the rope and saw that it was broken. He already knew what have happened, Erec have fallen down the steep side of the mountain full of sharp rocks and deep on 500 metres crevasses.
Nooo, I hope I survive this flight down. Erec thought . In his head appears thoughts of his family, would he see them again, would he see his little brother, who wants to be pilot. Would he see his love Alistale. The race of thoughts breaks the strong pain in his legs and arms, and a rapid end of his flight. He felt so bad, he noticed cuts on his arms and legs one of leg is broken, he was bleeding out quickly.
Erec reminded himself of the flare gun, which he has in his bag.
“Hope it hasn't broken and still works..” He thought before he took it out. With every second he was getting weaker and weaker. With the last wave of strength he shoot the flare gun in to the air thinking: “Hope someone could see it in this blizzard and help me. Hopefully I could…” Suddenly the darkness hugged him and he loses consciousness.

"Czy ty jesteś bardzo odważny? - Średnio. - A co zrobiłeś najodważniejszego w swoim życiu? - (...) Wstałem dziś rano." Cormac McCarthy, "Droga"
29.05.2021 21:20

10 z 10: camila

Ja polegam na gramatyce. :DD

Coś tam kiedyś ode mnie na eyes-free :D
Hello. There are 2 android phones: Samsung Galaxy S9 with the latest android 10.0 and One UI, and OnePlus 6 with Lineage OS 16.0 (Android 9.0). Both phones have the latest Talkback and Messenger versions installed, however Talkback reacts differently on both phones after turning back on when I stop writing using Soft Braille Keyboard. On the SGS9 I have no issues with Talkback and reading messages. I don't have to restart messenger, scroll the conversation list back and forth, it just works as it should... But on the OnePlus Talkback goes completely silent till next messenger restart... For now, I fixed it with Messenger Lite, but I really want to go back to normal Messenger on the OnePlus. Do you have some ideas how to fix it? Thanks in advance... 

"I have become comfortably numb."
31.05.2021 12:57

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