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Wątek: Viber for computer

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1 z 4: msuchy

Hello. Can I use Viber on computer? I think some program or web service. I wanted to use Viber for desktop, but installation is inaccessible with Jaws or Nvda. I would like to use Viber on computer apart from Messenger, Skype, Unigram or Whatsapp.

18.10.2020 09:13

2 z 4: bomberman29

viber is not accessable
my github:
19.10.2020 15:15

3 z 4: ArcticMoon

The last time I've tried using the thing, it was totally inaccessible. And I'm pretty sure there hasn't been any change since then.
19.10.2020 18:50

4 z 4: hermis501

Yes, it's inaccessible. Although, whatsapp web and whatsapp desktop client is.

29.10.2020 18:55

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