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Wątek: how to use voice back qwote tags with eliquence on nvda

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1 z 6: ConnerErwin

hello everyone. this is Conner here. I have a question. if I type a back qwote voice tag with IBMTTS, on, and voice tags on, it still doesn't want to work. is there an addon or dick file that I need to put some where? thanks.

02.10.2020 02:14

2 z 6: ConnerErwin

hey guys. I'm back. I still can't find the file I need to use in order to make this work. I think Its a dot dic file
04.10.2020 06:42

3 z 6: hozosch

It's not the ` sign, but ‵. If you type "2035" without the quotes into wordpad and press alt+x, you get it.

04.10.2020 15:58

4 z 6: ConnerErwin

aah. I found a way to make it work now. I half to use x0s nvda eliquence thing, and run the dot x installer. the sight is, https://www.x0.jc/
09.11.2020 02:01

5 z 6: hozosch

The website doesn't exist! Never mind, I already got eloquence.

09.11.2020 06:44

6 z 6: ConnerErwin

its called ibmtts driver with x0 bianarries. then you need to install the ultra eliquence thing and run it. then it will work. the files are on my team talk server. the info is, hoste,, ports 3387 and user and pass guest

11.11.2020 01:01

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