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Wątek: Windows jen

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1 z 8: Angel

Hey everyone, this is the first time I post in these forums, at least a new tred. So, on to my question: Does anyone have the Windows jen for the blind? I really want to try it, it sounds neat. Thanks.

14.04.2020 13:53

2 z 8: destructatron

You mean a KMS activator?

14.04.2020 17:42

3 z 8: hozosch

Oh dear! I used that to activate office 19.

14.04.2020 18:32

4 z 8: radio729

I'm not so sure that people should be posting about things like this in the forums.

14.04.2020 18:40

5 z 8: Angel

I don't mean an activator, I have licensed windows. There was an app called windows jen and the thing personalized your windows, added a browser and some assistant.

14.04.2020 19:58

6 z 8: hozosch

Oh ok, never heard of that but it sounds interesting.

14.04.2020 20:39

7 z 8: radio729

I never heard of it either. Is it new?

14.04.2020 21:16

8 z 8: Angel

I herd about it from the forum, but noone actualy posted a link to it. I don't know much, I just want to try it.

14.04.2020 21:44

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