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Wątek: Linux for an absolute beginner

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1 z 21: Seva

Hi all.
I decided to try to run Linux on a virtual machine but before asking questions about orca I will describe my situation.
I am an absolute beginner in linux and I am trying to choose distro.
For running Linux i am trying to use vmWare and virtual box, but virtual box isn't accessible enough so I cannot even install the OS without any issues.
If someone still knows if it is possible to use virtual box with nvda text me and I will gladly appreciate your tips.
So, I tryed to install slint on vmWare, but each time I tryed to run an installer the sound disappeared in a while so I couldn't even install it.
I could install ubuntu to vmWare 2 times I am using version 18.04 lts, but each time after the first reboot of the system orca acted really weerd. When i was pressing any keys, tab, space, enter or what ever, it didn't work. Also orca didn't say what's located on a screen.
I am stuck!
I don't know what to do!
Is it possible to run slint on any vm?
If not, what can I do with ubuntu on vmWare?
Or maybe there is a way to use it on virtual box and configure vBox with nvda?
Thank you for your help in advance!
-- Seva
11.02.2020 15:14

2 z 21: Aron

use ubuntu mate. Its very accessible
11.02.2020 18:08

3 z 21: Seva

Oh thank you a lot! Can i install it to ubuntu 18.04 lts? Thank you!
--Cytat (Aron):
use ubuntu mate. Its very accessible

--Koniec cytatu
-- Seva
16.02.2020 18:41

4 z 21: bomberman29

hello. i want to install wine to the linux server to start an EXE server part of my server app. what should i write in terminal to set wine properly
my github:
16.02.2020 19:17

5 z 21: Seva

I found a salution that I can install the ubuntu-mate version. Thank you a lot, you really helped me!
--Cytat (Seva):
Oh thank you a lot! Can i install it to ubuntu 18.04 lts? Thank you!
--Cytat (Aron):
use ubuntu mate. Its very accessible

--Koniec cytatu

--Koniec cytatu
-- Seva
16.02.2020 19:18

6 z 21: Anakin_Skywalker

hi, who can give a virtual machine created and loaded iso to linux? I'm curious to use this operative sistem.
thanks to read my post!
17.02.2020 03:42

7 z 21: destructatron

To the person who wanted to know how to get wine running, first command you type is: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 then type sudo apt update then if on ubuntu type sudo apt install wine-stable wine64-preloader wine32 winetricks and let that install. To start an application, run this command: wine start /Unix "path_to_exe" for example wine start /Unix "/home/user/downloads/testgame/game.exe"

19.02.2020 18:50

8 z 21: bomberman29

oh thank you
my github:
20.02.2020 16:34

9 z 21: Seva

I am trying to use qemu now and install slint to the virtual disk but i don't have a really good luck with it.
First, the sound is crackling and I don't know how to fix it in qemu for windows.
I am using hda driver.
Second, for some reason the system doesn't install.
If i get anything further I will post instructions here how to use qemu for windows and create a vm with installing any linux distro.

--Cytat (Anakin_Skywalker):
hi, who can give a virtual machine created and loaded iso to linux? I'm curious to use this operative sistem.

--Koniec cytatu
-- Seva
25.02.2020 12:44

10 z 21: aldenmaster

for linux distroes, I like ubuntu mate, and accessible coconut. I like coconut better, because it already has a few things installed, like virtualbox, wine, and also some games. It is based on ubuntu, but with a mate menu. It's nice, and I think you should try it out
Anything can work. Just decide how much, or what you would like to subject for said thing to work.
26.02.2020 17:35

11 z 21: bomberman29

in debian the wine instalation process is same or not?
my github:
26.02.2020 18:05

12 z 21: destructatron

In Debian, when installing the packages replace wine-stable with wine and you're good.

27.02.2020 16:35

13 z 21: bomberman29

thank you but i know better way to do the server and client. i will program on ruby. and compile it for linuxes
my github:
27.02.2020 16:37

14 z 21: bomberman29

i am a very very beginer. please send me commands to install wine to debian?
my github:
27.02.2020 17:29

15 z 21: bomberman29

i typed the sudo commands. than what
my github:
27.02.2020 17:35

16 z 21: bomberman29

but how to download wine to debian from a website? is it a get command
my github:
27.02.2020 17:50

17 z 21: bomberman29

because when i type sudo commands, it says not found
my github:
27.02.2020 17:51

18 z 21: destructatron

Before you download wine, try these 2 commands: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 then type sudo apt update then try again.

28.02.2020 08:37

19 z 21: bomberman29

i will try
my github:
28.02.2020 09:07

20 z 21: Seva

Hi guys!
As I promised, I will post instructions here how you can install any linux distro to a qemu virtual machine running windows as a host.
First, download qemu, I think you will do that by yourself, just type download qemu and you will find it. :)
Then I recommend you to download haxm and install it.
A guide on how to use haxm you can find here:
After installing go to your command line and type cd C:\program files\qemu
You will go to the qemu directory by using this command.
You will need it each time you want to run your vm or create a new one.
Then we will create the image that will be used as the virtual disk.
Replace my path to your's.
qemu-img create -f raw F:\virtual_machines\Qemu\Slint\slint.raw 40G
By using this command you create a virtual disk with the 40GB size, change one how you need.
Then we will run it!
Remember, install haxm before running this command.
qemu-system-x86_64.exe -m 4G -boot d -display sdl -soundhw hda -drive file=F:\virtual_machines\Qemu\Slint\slint.raw,format=raw,media=disk -cdrom F:\virtual_machines\Qemu\Slint\slint64- -vga std -accel hax
By executing this command you will run the installation process of the system you chose to install.
Replace my path to iso and drive to yours.
After installing the distro when running the command change boot from d to c.
As the time of writing this post qemu 4.2.0 has issues with d-sound driver that is used for qemu on windows.
The fix is already available on github, I hope it will be included in the next qemu for windows release.
I also noticed that after updating my windows10 to the latest version the sound crackling practically disappeared. But there maybe problems that sound will start chopping really a lot so you won't be able to use speech normally. I hope it will be fixed later.
-- Seva
05.03.2020 20:39

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