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Wątek: Your education

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21 z 36: fatih

I agree

29.08.2020 20:16

22 z 36: musicalmara

Hello- this is new Zealan calling. here blind folk were in special chols until about 1984 for primary school. Mainstreaming happened for high school if they had hope for you.
I went to regular school accept pre-school but spent so much time out of theclassroom so I could function at my age level I may as well have been at a blind school some of primary school.

It was a very lonely experience.

23.11.2020 11:06

23 z 36: Tsunami

Hi, I learnt in a special school for the blinds. I wouldn't like to come back there.

27.03.2021 01:47

24 z 36: Ken2002

Hi everyone.
Ken here from Philippines.
I went to school for the blind during my 8th grade and believe me, there are advantage and disadvantages for you if you are in a blind school.
For example to me, since young, my parents use to believe that I could go to regular school since I'm just blind and aside from that physical disability, I can say that I could deal with sighted folks.
But little did I know, when I went to school for the blind last 2018, I could experience everything that I use to dreamed before, at the sighted school, most of my classmates are just getting along with me because I am giving them something in return.
But trust me, if you don't give them something, they would not help you.
Unlike on Philippine National School for the Blind before, I could do whatever I wan't.
But here is the disadvantage for me, on that school for the blind, they believe that Visually Impaired people should learn massage since they are thinking that the massage, teaching and more on computer are the only options for the blind people here.
On my first day, I was expecting that the massage subject on that school is optional, meaning its your choice if you are going to take it up.
But I was wrong, from grade 8 till grade 10, I was forced to learn about massage since the steriotypes occurs at that school.
So what I did is, when I'm still in grade 10, I'm doing everything just to avoid that massage thing. I even cut that class so that I won't go and attend to that subjects anyways but the teacher called my parents and told everything.
Well, I usually say to the teachers and fellow students that Massage is a skills, yes.
But come to think of it, not all Visually Impaireds folks liked that, besides they are trying to do steriotyping regarding towards the futures of their students.
In my experience, a realization occurs that just because your blind, it doesn't ment that your future would be limited as well.
Its just abit sad to think that people here in the Philippines use to do steriotypes towith regards to Person's With Disabilities.

29.08.2022 12:08

25 z 36: Natalia2000

i am was, and iI am schools for blind peopples.

11.07.2023 21:57

26 z 36: neptune

All my classmates have been fine so far. And have been in public schools all my life so far.
Fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me 3 times...Well fuck. I am ashamed.
11.07.2023 22:24

27 z 36: pollyanna

I attended a school for the blind, but I was always integrated with sighted students. You may be confused by this, so let me explain. The school was a true school for the blind, but it also accepted sighted students to promote integration with blind people. The school offered extracurricular classes reserved for the blind, such as music classes and skills necessary for the blind. However, in mainstream classes, blind students had to study with sighted students.

When I first entered the school, new blind students and I were divided into a class to learn Braille. After the Braille course ended, from grade 1 on, I had to participate in a class with sighted students. In the class, I felt that the teachers paid more attention to the sighted students because they were the majority. Sometimes, they illustrated the lessons using methods for sighted students, so I struggled to understand the details. Nevertheless, it was an interesting experience that exposed me to both the blind and sighted worlds.
“We do not lack ability. We just lack courage. It all comes down to courage.”
20.08.2023 20:16

28 z 36: musicman5464

I was always taught a public school setting. The only time I went to a school for the blind was for summer camps. Otherwise I studied with sighted kids throughout my school days.
Regards, Joseph
20.08.2023 21:07

29 z 36: neptune

Fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me 3 times...Well fuck. I am ashamed.
20.08.2023 23:01

30 z 36: blindflatearther2

With the sightlings for me
The road to hell is paved with good intenchens. AKA LGBT. I never said that. MAGA
11.11.2023 00:22

31 z 36: Nikolatheserb

I have attended a school for the blind for the first eight years of my education. Thereafter, I got enrolled in a main stream musical high school. My opinion, gained from the experience of both, is that both paths have advantages and disadvantages, and that a way must be found for the two to be combined, without adversely affecting each other, or the child in question.

05.03.2024 12:02

32 z 36: Sir-Charlie

Jesus my writing in 2020. To be fair my keyboard was down. But anyways I should give an update
Always been in public school with sighted individuals. I graduated secondary school and I'm looking to go to university, which will of course be with sighted people. But the university here has very comprehensive disability services, so I should be fine.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power. Charlie for Admin
08.03.2024 21:34

33 z 36: fikretagayev

I attended a boarding school for the blind and visually impaired. We were consistently integrated with sighted individuals through various activities such as chess competitions and song contests. After completing my schooling, I pursued higher education at a university in my home country, where I continued to study alongside sighted peers. I also had the opportunity to study in Germany, again among sighted individuals.
As a piece of advice, I would emphasize the importance of not placing excessive emphasis on whether someone is sighted or blind in social interactions. It's crucial to recognize that for equality to prevail, there are aspects that sighted individuals perceive visually, whereas tactile exploration may be necessary for those who are visually impaired. Both perspectives deserve respect. Additionally, it's important to acknowledge that people, regardless of visual ability, exhibit a range of characteristics, from kindness and warmth to negativity.
Have a wonderful day! ?

10.03.2024 09:12

34 z 36: blindTechProductions

I've always been educated at regular public schools with sighted people, though I did have specialized classes for a few years, but that stopped in grade 3 or so. I'm on my last leg of grade school education, in grade 9 to be exact. also known as highschool
Abortion is unjustifiable. It stands on no ground morally. If it is always wrong to kill an innocent, defenseless human being, then abortion is immoral in all circumstances because that's exactly what it does. This framework dismisses all objections minus the one where the mother's life is in serious danger continuing the pregnancy. And even then, it's not moral it's a necessary evil.
11.03.2024 01:37

35 z 36: techboy

I'm in America. They do good public school accomidations here, and I am in public school. Changing schools next year though, like an entire district but it should be fine, because they *have* to accomidate.
Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
11.03.2024 19:35

36 z 36: fire_fly

hi! I changed schools a few times.
first I went to a regular school, and then I moved and went to a special school for the blind for 2 years.
I didn't enjoy it there at all; I felt like I was being treated very specially, and I don't like that.
Don't get me wrong, but it can be different for everyone, for some it's nice, for others it's not at all.
I then went back to a regular school and have been there for 4 years now.
And this is much better for me. :D
Oops, btw i'm from the netherlands.
Once it was what it was, now it is what it is.
02.04.2024 21:12

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