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Wątek: playlist not working

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1 z 3: Jokyboy129

Hi, my elten playlist program doesn't work correct. I create a playlist and save it, but when I restart Elten and open the playlist, most of the tracks don't play when pressing Enter. Am I doing anything wrong?
mein Blog:
24.09.2024 12:18

2 z 3: Janagirl

I don't use the program playlist but I have the same problem in Youtube. It searches for videos but when playing enter, the loading sound is playing a few seconds and then I'm in the result list again.
And if I press enter on an audio file in the file manager, an error appears and I have to relaunch elten again.
What a pity, I really used youtube a lot of time.
Gruß von Janagirl!
25.09.2024 23:28

3 z 3: Jokyboy129

The file manager works well for me.
mein Blog:
26.09.2024 07:30

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