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Wątek: My First Program is Out!

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1 z 10: mad-gamer

Hello guys!
I've just released my first program written in NVGT, called EasyTTS. It's a text-to-speech program.
To obtain a copy of this program, go to and click "Download EasyTTS".
The worst mistake you could ever make in your life is to own an Android device.
09.08.2024 22:19

2 z 10: thespyde

Link doesn't work.
Charles Wells
10.08.2024 11:10

3 z 10: rudolf

it does, but I wonder what the program is for? there is literally no readme.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
10.08.2024 13:52

4 z 10: thespyde

I get a server error when I try it. It's like x0's TTS app I guess.
Charles Wells
10.08.2024 13:58

5 z 10: Adasadula

I think are making problems xd
Jednakże, dzięki swojej odwadze i determinacji, Cicikowi udało się ostatecznie pokonać czarownika i uwolnić ciumbaki. Po powrocie do domu, Cicik z radością zaczął zbierać nowe ciumbaki i bawił się nimi przez długie godziny, wiedząc, że są one teraz bezpieczne i szczęśliwe.
10.08.2024 14:50

6 z 10: khalil2009

why would you need this. there's like 20 other programs that do the same thing

10.08.2024 17:01

7 z 10: alchappers

Well, if you wanna fuck around with the NVGT built-in voice, then this would be useful, I've played around with it and its cool, even though the NVGT voice sounds like an old synth from the 80s its still cool.
Listen to Tesla and grow some balls
10.08.2024 18:34

8 z 10: Janagirl

Yeah, this voice really gives a feeling like in 80s which is cool. But the only thing you can do is writing texts and let the chosen voice read it.
But the link worked fine for me as well.
Gruß von Janagirl!
10.08.2024 18:47

9 z 10: Adasadula

Why you use IDK, for example telegram, if there are many alternatives? Why do you use windows, if you can use debian, ubuntu, mate or a million similar ones.

-- (khalil2009):
why would you need this. ther's like 20 other programs that do the same thing

Jednakże, dzięki swojej odwadze i determinacji, Cicikowi udało się ostatecznie pokonać czarownika i uwolnić ciumbaki. Po powrocie do domu, Cicik z radością zaczął zbierać nowe ciumbaki i bawił się nimi przez długie godziny, wiedząc, że są one teraz bezpieczne i szczęśliwe.
10.08.2024 19:54

10 z 10: Sir-Charlie

@9, because those usually provide some kind of tangible difference orbenefit over the others to justify using it? I use Windows because it has all the apps that I need and and is more usable. I prefer Whatsapp over telegram because it's better on most devices and I have more people using it.
But this thing provides literally no benefit other than it being his first test programme, which is cool to be clear, but offers me almost nothing.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
11.08.2024 15:00

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