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Wątek: Help! NVDA no longer reads check boxes and text correctly after recent update

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1 z 14: Louisa

Hello, first of all sorry for the long, and desperate topic line, but I didn't know how to put this.

As the topic name says, my verssion of NVDA no longer reads check boxes or text correctly.

This started after I enabled remote support, which in the long term was'nt a good idea.

In any case, I've tried a number of things to try and fix this problem. From reinstalling NVDA a couple of times. To deleting it from programme files x 82. Then resetting the thing back to factory mode. Then finally going back to the previous verssion, 2024.1

But this problem is stil here. The only work around so far is narator, or using both of them at once, at different times. Which can be unpleasant.
So any ideas would be appreciated.

21.07.2024 22:24

2 z 14: radiorobbe

Have you tried the COM registration fixing tool? The NVDA documentation doesn't say anything about broken checkboxes, but maybe it helps anyway.
-- Keiner ist unnütz. Er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen!
21.07.2024 22:38

3 z 14: Louisa

Hey, got my problem sorted out. When I removed remote support. NVDA went back to normal again. So now it's just to get my speech and volume back to normal, but those are small things. And yes, I did try that tool you mentioned, though it didn't change things. Anyway it's working. Thank goodness.

22.07.2024 01:06

4 z 14: destructatron

That's, very odd. I didn't think NVDA remote would mess with core NVDA code like that, it should only actively change NVDA's behaviour when it's connected to a key.

25.07.2024 12:09

5 z 14: x0

I've seen wrong versions of the add-on force-enabled when they shouldn't be break things, but the last time that happened it broke *all* speech for me. Are you sure your remote was the latest version?
This mesage has been approved by x0.
29.07.2024 03:12

6 z 14: Louisa

I'm not sure to be honest. I was just told to update the addon. In any case, I've removed the addon, as I said earlier. So as long as NVDA works, it's fine.

29.07.2024 23:58

7 z 14: GeorgeWu

I have the latest version of remote and it is not freezing my NVDA at all.

10.08.2024 17:55

8 z 14: Sir-Charlie

Very peculiar indeed. This is why I wait a bit when a new update comes out. I usually stay on the most updated version of .3 or .4X as it's usually the most stable and usually has the best Addon Support too.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
11.08.2024 15:02

9 z 14: GeorgeWu

I always update my NVDA no matter what version I am at, I always like to keep my software up to date.

11.08.2024 17:33

10 z 14: Sir-Charlie

I prefer stable software to brand spanking new cutting edge.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
12.08.2024 04:26

11 z 14: Louisa

Thanks guys for your input. I'm on windows 8 so I don't know if I should update, or rather get my computer sorted out first.

13.08.2024 00:21

12 z 14: destructatron

Windows 8 is out of support and not getting updates, so you should probably upgrade to at least Windows 10.

13.08.2024 14:19

13 z 14: ArcticMoon

upgrade to win xp
#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
13.08.2024 19:22

14 z 14: GeorgeWu

If your computer is eligible, try to update the windows 11.

13.08.2024 21:30

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