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Wątek: Vacations

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1 z 8: Monkey999

Hi everyone,

Next week I will be going on a vacation with my family. We do this every year, and I personally allways have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I like being together with my family and not having to deal with anything else, but I also get borred rather quickly. We are going 3 weeks and I really wonder how I am going to enjoy it for such a long time. What do you guys think about vacations, do you like them or not?
And that, is why you shouldn't do this.
05.07.2024 16:01

2 z 8: thespyde

I like them but can't do that any more. My wife's assistant situation doesn't make for easy travel plans at all.
Charles Wells
05.07.2024 17:37

3 z 8: rudolf


I can get what you mean. I'm also traveling in about four weeks with my family to spain for two weeks, and I'm still not sure if I should like or dislike it.
On the one hand it is good to come out from home, and especially get away from the computer a bit, but on the other am I not the guy who chills out in the sun while it is 30c. IN spain this is not that bad because we're 30 minutes next to the sea, but still.
I also think the time values. I basically have 33 percent of my holidays spending at spain, and somehow it is sad that I can't do for whole six weeks whatever I want, so can I only four.

I can get if you're not really looking forward to it, but honestly I can't help you in that matter. It is better to wait and let things happen and get passed and then evaluating the situation.
ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
05.07.2024 17:53

4 z 8: Kaito

Vacations, for me it depends on the place I'm going to, the things my family do there Etc. For example if I go on a vacation I'd like to move each day to a different area in that city to know more about it. Also something I don't get is: I used to get so much excited about it when we're about to go near the sea. For example if we go for 2 weeks I wouldn't mind to go to the beach every day. But now my excitement isn't the same, I get bored of it rather quickly. Also at least for me, going on a vacation with friends or / a group of people is better than going with family. Each of them has it's good things but I prefer going with friends. Unfortunately, I highly doubte I'll be going on a vacation this year, but I hope that I go at least for a week.
Signed: Orochimaru.
05.07.2024 20:38

5 z 8: jazzyjennifer

i don't like vacations

08.07.2024 11:24

6 z 8: Urh2006

I love vacations
When you're stuck, just try harder.
09.07.2024 00:05

7 z 8: theblack

I love vacations, I work, study and get stressed all year round, so when that magical moment arrives, I enjoy it
12.07.2024 18:28

8 z 8: Lucy

I got so confortable with the way we spend our vacations. A week in a seaside region no matter where, basically the same routine. We wake up, go for breakfast, then we take our first sunbathing session, afterwards we go for an easy lunch, we take a shower and rest a bit inside till the dangerous hours pass, then we go again to the beach, we come back to have the second shower and prepare for dinner and in the evening, we either take walks, either have fun around. However, there are days when we choose to visit the area or if we go to the mountain or in a city break, this does not apply, we go out of the rooms in the morning and come back only to change or in the evening, so for me it is both leisure and chalenge.
29.07.2024 22:18

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