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Wątek: reactivate ChatGPT account

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1 z 14: Jokyboy129

Hi, someone thought it would be funny to delete my ChatGPT account jest because he saw me type in my password Now I can't recreate it. On the internet is a post about this, and they say you can't reactivate. So I tried to create a new account, but they don't accept my phone number. What should I do now?

05.06.2024 15:51

2 z 14: ArcticMoon

Read some security articles about how not to let people see as you type your password.
On a serious note, I guess nothing can be done.
05.06.2024 15:53

3 z 14: rudolf

Ahem, yes this is really the stupidest way to have an account deleted.
05.06.2024 17:06

4 z 14: ferre

guys shouldnt we be helping? Y'alls reply aint usefull, maybe use another browser
and they lived sadly after. The end
06.06.2024 21:45

5 z 14: rudolf

Aerm, are you.., Serious?
06.06.2024 22:03

6 z 14: ArcticMoon

I'm helping him not to fall into such things in the future.

-- (ferre):
guys shouldnt we be helping? Y'alls reply aint usefull, maybe use another browser

07.06.2024 00:45

7 z 14: alchappers

Maybe contact support and come up with a story like I dunno, maybe say that you got hacked and someone accessed your account maliciously
This is 2024, not 2023. Please just leave all drama behind!
07.06.2024 23:01

8 z 14: marchoffmann

Are you even sure that account was deleted in the first place or was the pw just changed.
Don't trust people if they don't give you a good reason to. They'll use it against you. Love them, But ask God whether yes or no.
07.06.2024 23:22

9 z 14: Jokyboy129

No, I'm sure it has been deleted, because it doesn't even accept the email adrees and now this student who deleted it wrote me a Whatsapp with the text with something like: "How does it feel with a deleted ChatGPT account?"

08.06.2024 10:31

10 z 14: rudolf

There is no way then. Why do you even need it back so much, just recreate it. Or is the chat history so important?
-- (Jokyboy129):
No, I'm sure it has been deleted, because it doesn't even accept the email adrees and now this student who deleted it wrote me a Whatsapp with the text with something like: "How does it feel with a deleted ChatGPT account?"

08.06.2024 11:44

11 z 14: Jokyboy129

I can't recreate it, because when I ckick Sign UP and then enter my email adrees it says "Oops, you don't have an account". But I clicked "Sign up" not "Sign in". The support told me that it is not possible to use an email adress again after deleting an account.

08.06.2024 11:54

12 z 14: rudolf

Use another then?
08.06.2024 12:27

13 z 14: ArcticMoon

You don't need chat gpt. Believe me. If it helped to cure stupidity at least... But it doesn't.
08.06.2024 16:11

14 z 14: theblack

It is largely true. but there are people who use it to learn certain things, or just for fun. So I think that if it is important for Jokyboy129 to have an account, that's fine.
08.06.2024 19:37

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