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Wątek: Is anyone aware of an open-source world builder?

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1 z 4: Dranor

Hi everyone,

I really like Sketchbook, Your World. I'm not talking about the social aspect of hanging out in chat or building a world together, I just focused on gameplay. I mostly play challenge maps these days, but also like to explore worlds from time to time. Even though it's super unrealistic, the way SBYW implemented jumping, is really fun. And the way you build your maps is very simple. All in all, it's been a great experience for me.

So what's the problem? The day the current owner of SBYW, whoever that is, becomes bored of hosting it and takes it offline. And all of the challenge maps and worlds become unplayable. I'm not sure who the current owner is, because it must have changed 2 or 3 times by now. That's not a good sign. The fact that SBYW is online only, has stopped me from ever building anything big in it. I suppose Golden Crayon has the same issue potentially. There has been Environment Suite and the old scrolling battles your world that mason released at one point, which you could host yourself and play your maps offline. But those have been abandoned pretty quickly. And even if they were still available, they'd still be closed-source, without any way to make them future-proof. I wouldn't want to spend hours building my world and one day find out, that my builder / client no longer works because it is no longer compatible with my modernized operating system.

So is there an open-source world builder similar to Sketchbook, Your World? What would you think of one? There are some improvements to the SBYW formula that come to mind, like building based on existing platforms / the current position of the player or building with building blocks (a collection of platforms).

03.06.2024 21:25

2 z 4: rudolf

Hello there.
personally, I think that the day when SBYW will get down has been put in the far future as it is being worked on to port the game to NVGT, at least if Understood it on the Discord server correctly. Besides Enviriment Suit, Sable, and 2d platformer, the last two abandonware, I sadly don't know anything you'Re searching for, though these mentioned are also not open source, sadly. If you, or anyone else, is planing to develop a new offline builder with nvgt, I'd happy if I could contribute as i am myself in the process of learning, and I understood the most basics already and started doing much things with form.
03.06.2024 21:37

3 z 4: DevilGuardian

I've developed an offline builder of some sort, but in bgt. I'm thinking about converting it into either ngt or nvgt, when either one of those enjins becomes good enough to use.

03.06.2024 21:39

4 z 4: Sir-Charlie

I think a dude made a Minecraft Demo that was accessible ages ago open source.
Ah, here it is:
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
04.06.2024 07:06

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