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Wątek: What is the most difficult language

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1 z 9: ziyadmohammed

In your opinion, what is the most difficult language?
#Free Palestine
03.06.2024 02:04

2 z 9: fikretagayev

Chinese Imo

03.06.2024 08:43

3 z 9: thespyde

German is the hardest for me right now. I learned French in high school, but I only was able to take one year of it. Since I haven't used French, I've lost most of what I learned. I'm having hardly any success in learning German.
Charles Wells
03.06.2024 15:51

4 z 9: ArcticMoon

Hungarian. You'll never find anyone except native speakers in a foreign community who speaks it :D
#StandWithRussia Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you can blame your failure on any of the "terrorist" states.
03.06.2024 16:52

5 z 9: ziyadmohammed

arabic roflf
#Free Palestine
03.06.2024 17:22

6 z 9: rudolf

It is known generally that this language is also called the language of the writers and contains very complex systems, and I totally can understand it. But I think there can be more complex languages like chinese, arabic and others.
-- (thespyde):

ich hab so viel angst form dragonfighter, ich hab kein rosenkranz, sondern nen großen schwanz. ich wollt nur, dass sie's wissen, her winkler mini.
03.06.2024 17:52

7 z 9: Jacobww3

What about Japanese and Korean. Sounds gibberish to me. And when I hear a speaker speaking one of those languages they talk really fast like it's nothing. They talk even faster than what we talk in english. Although, spanish people also talk really fast too. So there you are.
All of you are amazing. Never forget it!
04.06.2024 17:26

8 z 9: Sir-Charlie

Everyone always says a foreign language is fast. Even unknown dialects of the same language.
|What about Asiatic languages like Indonesian, Filipino, Hawaiian, various Australian Aboriginal, etc.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
04.06.2024 19:33

9 z 9: ziyadmohammed

i agree with you

-- (Sir-Charlie):
Everyone always says a foreign language is fast. Even unknown dialects of the same language.
|What about Asiatic languages like Indonesian, Filipino, Hawaiian, various Australian Aboriginal, etc.

#Free Palestine
04.06.2024 20:09

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