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Wątek: SeWiRa - my self-made wifi radio

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# Introduction

One day I asked myself: How easy can it be to build a Wifi radio without using soldering irons, 3D printers, or a degree in computer science? Well, this project was the result. My Wifi radio consists of a Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS Lite, an external sound card, a numeric keypad as remote control and any active speaker or amplifier. SeWiRa is the software component for the radio and can be used not just in this project. It is a shell script that creates a station menu from a directory of m3u files. The stations are numbered and can be selected using the numeric keypad. The principle is similar to old shortwave receivers, where you only had to enter the correct frequency for the desired station. The radio can therefore be used completely without a screen; direct or remote access is of course required to edit the station list. You'll have to forgo the comfort of having a station database with thousands of programs from normal Wifi radios, but with this project you'll get a reliable radio that won't give you any nasty surprises if the portal operator cuts off database access. And if the station operator changes his stream, it is a matter of minutes to enter the new address in the station menu.

Some parts of the project are in german, but the shell script should be understandable enough to modify the messages. The english documentation can be found here:

Feel free to move this topic into the computer forum, should it fit better there.
-- Keiner ist unnütz. Er kann immer noch als schlechtes Beispiel dienen!
29.05.2024 12:31

2 z 3: fire


01.06.2024 01:28

3 z 3: EugeniuszPompiusz

Nice initiative, More than nice.
Sygnaturka.: "That seems to point up a significant difference between Europeans and Americans. A European says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?' An American says: 'I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?'" TERRY PRATCHETT
20.08.2024 01:57

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