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Wątek: And more concerns...

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1 z 2: marchoffmann

At this point it's getting funny. How can't you check my username without even looking at the spelling in the slightest? Also, gets not get a warning. Spelling rule comes in here once again.
To go to the more serious things now, what do you define as insult. Does your guys recommended google tell you kiddo is an insult? In fact, kiddo is the only thing I said. You also unvalidate your point since you said some people that are younger behave older than they are. So like, in 2 months I'm 18, I wonder, what on earth will that change here. Right, probably nothing. I'd also suggest you doing more research on the word kiddo. That's all for now, thank you.
I will use this thread to raise any further critisism about anything unvalid coming up against me, i.a.
A nice weekend
Edit. So like, next time you will now just ban me? For what, though. For having called someone a kiddo? This is sad yall.
Don't trust people if they don't give you a good reason to. They'll use it against you. Love them, But ask God whether yes or no.
03.05.2024 12:49

2 z 2: daszekmdn

We don't will talk this way.
Address the administration with respect and without malice.
Closing thread.
2.8. If you do not agree with a decision made by the administration, you have the right to make a complaint to the elders council of the Elten link platform. Currently this is the only way of formally appealing any warn or ban decision made by the moderation team.
Hardcore to wojna bardzo uniwersalna, Hardcore to wypowiedź bardzo indywidualna. Hardcore to siła nieobliczalna, Dla wielu ludzi po prostu nieosiągalna.
03.05.2024 13:23

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