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Wątek: Microsoft copilot and windows 11

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1 z 5: bomberman29

Hello. Today I had a chance to try a very smart, very intelectual thing that is called copilot, the one you start using taskbar. The first things I asked is to solve a math problem, which it did good. Now I tried to ask some questions like I'm asking GPT, it did good.
Now the tricky part: I heard that it can help you write emails, do things on your computer e.g. I said wow lets try this: No luck. It gave me steps how to write an email manually. I said him: Hey copilot, write an email to xxx@yyy.zzz, and attach the c:\users\user\files\pythons\ file and discrybe what this python file is doing.
It didn't do what I said.
I tried to simplify, opened a notepad with a file, moved cursor to a math problem and said: hey copilot, how to solve this math problem that I show inside this notepad under a cursor? Write me the solution after in the same notepad. It didn't, told to enter the problem in the chat window.
Hey microsoft!
my github:
02.05.2024 20:57

2 z 5: ArcticMoon

Copilot is meant for searching on the web, and not solving such problems, which you ask him to do. There's chat gpt or mystral ai for all of these things you've described. Mystral is even free and you can use it in Russia without VPN. Try that one for such tasks. :)
These modells can even code, and solve anything you wish.
Copilot was meant for enhancing your search experience. It's like a very, very enhanced bing. It will never solve such problems as accurately as the two mentioned ai above.
02.05.2024 23:06

3 z 5: bomberman29

nope, I thaught that copilot can automate some tasks on my PC from a naturall language prompt
my github:
06.05.2024 09:37

4 z 5: Urh2006

How good is mistral compare to ChatGPT?
When you're stuck, just try harder.
06.05.2024 17:08

5 z 5: rudolf

LOl offtopic that is, No idea.
06.05.2024 17:21

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