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Wątek: how to compile ESpeak-ng to produce the DLL for NVDA?

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1 z 4: hozosch

Hey people,
I would like to use my German improvements in ESpeak-ng, which, in itself, is not so hard, because very few things have changed in the source codes and stuff. However, as of now I'm using them with the original ESpeak for sapi5 (1.48.15), because it's just so easy to make changes on the fly, compile them with Espeakedit and just use them with NVDA. In ESpeak-ng, they took Espeakedit out, which is really sad. So, I know how to apply changes, but how do I go about compiling them, and especially, how do I get them to use with NVDA, with the dll an stuff?
Thanks in advance for your replies!

01.05.2024 17:29

2 z 4: x0

So it depends if you do actually have to compile the DLL or just replace some of the rules files. NVDA uses a custom build process for espeak-ng, so if you clone NVDA you can see how they build that submodule. Or at least they used to, they may or may not have changed that by now. If you just have to replace rules files, the synthDrivers folder under NVDA's installation, in PFx86 or alongside the exe if portable, then inside espeak-ng-data. Or do you mean to compile the rules and stuff?
This mesage has been approved by x0.
03.05.2024 20:55

3 z 4: hozosch

Yes, I mean compiling the rules, since I also changed some phonemes, most significantly the r phoneme.

04.05.2024 01:26

4 z 4: hozosch

And sure, I could just change the code and do a pull request, but I'm not sure whether anyone will like those changes

04.05.2024 01:30

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