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Wątek: Crazy party minigames comparer

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1 z 2: daszekmdn

CP Minigames comparer by TD programs.
CP Minigames comparer, written in PowerShell is a small but really usefull thing when you wanna complete everything of minigames in the Crazy party.
There are few different ways to complete all MiniGames in Crazy party. You can EG. do it by passing through whole worlds, but it's not the one way.
You can also find someone who completed everything, and pass only these games which you don't have completed yet. You need to create the list of unfinished games which can be loaded in the multiplayer by the person, then try to finish it.
Creating list like this isn't really fast and easy because you must compare the lines manually and copy only these games which wasn't completed to the other file.
So i'mhere with small thing which will help you to speed up this process.
There's file called FulList.txt adtached, which contains all games for version 81.
Everything what you need now, is use option called "Generate the mini-games reference file" in the Crazy party options menu, then move the file called "Mini-games reference.txt" to this folder and run the script.
Warning! You must set CP to English before you generate the file.
You will get list of all locked games into file called UnfinishedGamesList.txt in the current script folder.
Now you can share the list with someone who completed everything.
Disclaimer: This script is easiest as possible, so you can also use it to compare anything else and get the finish results of any txt files you have.
Have fun and enjoy!

30.04.2024 13:24

2 z 2: theblack

it's very good. It will help a lot to the most active people in CP
30.04.2024 13:29

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