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Wątek: proposal of some new rules

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1 z 19: DJWolfy

I have thought up some rules, which I believe would greatly improve the English community :D I hope you guys like them, and feelfree to reply if you need any more info from me
1. Any user who is inactive for more than 30 days will be given a warning, to make sure they don't forget about this community
2. Any user who posts more than 3 times a day and has a combined total of more than 100 posts should be automatically made moderator, as this high post count proves their dedication to the community.
3. I believe that any user who speaks out against the administration should receive a permanent ban. The reason is that we do not need people who want the community to die.
4. I believe that any user who posts more than 10 times per day should be permanently banned, as this could be considered spam and users should think about their posts before they submit them. A post frequency like this proves that the user wants to sabotage
the english community by creating meaningless posts. I believe all posts deserve to be well thought out.
Please let me know what you think of these rules!

06.04.2024 09:15

2 z 19: Jonathan

oh yes, this is good, Morti would love this!

06.04.2024 09:16

3 z 19: marchoffmann

Happy holidays broh. As the german admin says, this moment, when you wished the holidays for some were over... Lol.
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
06.04.2024 09:17

4 z 19: Jonathan

oh, what is this? #MortiWillNeverDie!

Ah, DJWolfy, my unwitting accomplice in the comedy of errors! Your proposed rules read like a recipe for chaos, with a dash of absurdity and a sprinkle of sheer madness. But fear not, for Morti is here to sift through the rubble of reason and unearth the nuggets of nonsensical brilliance hidden within.
Rule number one: Any user who is inactive for more than 30 days gets a warning? Oh, splendid! Because nothing says "community spirit" like threatening people with a digital slap on the wrist for daring to live their lives offline.
Rule number two: Automatic moderator status for prolific posters? Brilliant! Let's just hand out the keys to the kingdom to anyone with a keyboard and a penchant for prolific posting. What could possibly go wrong?
Rule number three: Permanent bans for dissenters? Absolutely marvelous! Because nothing fosters a thriving community like squashing any hint of disagreement under the iron boot of authoritarianism.
Rule number four: Permanent bans for prolific posters? Outstanding! Because clearly, the more you post, the less valuable your contributions become. Forget quantity over quality—let's just throw the baby out with the bathwater!
DJWolfy, your rules are a masterpiece of mayhem, a symphony of silliness that could only have sprung from the mind of a true disciple of chaos. Bravo! Keep 'em coming, my friend, for in the realm of Morti, there's always room for more madness.
#RuleWithMorti #ChaosIsKing #LongLiveAbsurdity

06.04.2024 09:20

5 z 19: DJWolfy

stop trolling, this is a serius thread

06.04.2024 09:25

6 z 19: Jonathan

Oh, please excuse me! I will take this serious now!

06.04.2024 09:29

7 z 19: DJWolfy

thanks, it's nice that at least someone is taking me seriously. :D

06.04.2024 09:36

8 z 19: Jonathan

Of course, no problem. I think that rules need the deserved respect! This is no trol, this is a serious suggestion we all should understand and discuss about to make this a better place!

06.04.2024 09:37

9 z 19: DJWolfy

thanks! there is no o, l, or y (all of which are in my name and elten english community) without elten english community, and DJWolfy, as they say. Haha, do you like spin on the old saying? I thought it was pretty creative

06.04.2024 09:40

10 z 19: rudolf

oh yeah. That's a really great improve.
-- (DJWolfy):
I have thought up some rules, which I believe would greatly improve the English community :D I hope you guys like them, and feelfree to reply if you need any more info from me
1. Any user who is inactive for more than 30 days will be given a warning, to make sure they don't forget about this community
2. Any user who posts more than 3 times a day and has a combined total of more than 100 posts should be automatically made moderator, as this high post count proves their dedication to the community.
3. I believe that any user who speaks out against the administration should receive a permanent ban. The reason is that we do not need people who want the community to die.
4. I believe that any user who posts more than 10 times per day should be permanently banned, as this could be considered spam and users should think about their posts before they submit them. A post frequency like this proves that the user wants to sabotage
the english community by creating meaningless posts. I believe all posts deserve to be well thought out.
Please let me know what you think of these rules!

06.04.2024 10:45

11 z 19: DJWolfy


06.04.2024 11:06

12 z 19: rudolf

oh dear, you posted 5 times a day. You should be banned now!
06.04.2024 11:14

13 z 19: ArcticMoon

The topic is being talked about with the staff, as it doesn't serve any purpose other than mindless trolling.
06.04.2024 15:01

14 z 19: fire

I like the new rules very mutch

06.04.2024 16:49

15 z 19: neptune

Agree. They serve a new basis for community building, and I think, will greatly strengthen the community as a whole.
Fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me 3 times...Well fuck. I am ashamed.
06.04.2024 16:52

16 z 19: rudolf

Yes. Especially as there are no spelling rules, you also can like them very mutch and not only very much!
-- (fire):
I like the new rules very mutch

06.04.2024 16:57

17 z 19: marchoffmann

Elten, I'm sorry for what you go through. ?
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
06.04.2024 17:17

18 z 19: daszekmdn

We don't need trolling here.

06.04.2024 19:27

19 z 19: daszekmdn

Topic closed, moved to archive, user will be warned for trolling.

06.04.2024 19:28

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