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Wątek: Problem with TalesOS

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1 z 14: Urh2006

I assume my thread was deleted in the changeover of the administration and the new subforums. I still have the same issue with the latest TalesOS. I can't seem to be able to get Orca to run no matter what I do, and it says on their website that it's supposed to be able to turn on. It's quite frustrating. What ways are there to try to start it manually, I tried a lot of things but I wonder if I had missed anything by mistake.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
02.04.2024 20:15

2 z 14: destructatron

Are there different live environments of tales, and if so what one are you using? You can use a few methods to enable Orca. Press alt f2, type orca and press enter. Super alt S might work as well. orca -r in the alt f2 dialog may kill a stuck orca process and spawn a new one.

04.04.2024 00:46

3 z 14: Urh2006

I did all the three things and none of them worked after booting the system. IDK what you mean about different environments, I have just downloaded the ISO from the website.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
05.04.2024 22:55

4 z 14: destructatron

On Linux, you have different desktop environments. A desktop environment is how you interact with a GUI, like how you have windows with its desktop, start button and start menu, file explorer, etc. This makes up a desktop environment, and each desktop environment has different applications with varying levels of accessibility. The Gnome desktop environment should come with orca by default, but you can't rely on it for anything else. Fedora does a good job at this, and puts Orca in the gnome, KDE and mate desktop environment groups, so all 3 of them come with Orca out of the box.

09.04.2024 23:01

5 z 14: Urh2006

oh I have to see about that, thanks. I didn't know what you mean with environments but yeah sure now I know I should have searched up
When you're stuck, just try harder.
09.04.2024 23:03

6 z 14: Urh2006

It comes with gnome
When you're stuck, just try harder.
09.04.2024 23:04

7 z 14: Urh2006

And this, my friends, is a perfect example why you should always make sure 3 times what yu're doing. Not only was I able to figure it out, I now know what the issue was. In Vmware, I for some reasn set the system to ubuntu 64 where it is actually based on Debian, so for some reason that did the trick now.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
09.04.2024 23:12

8 z 14: Urh2006

Is xfce accessible with Orca?
When you're stuck, just try harder.
09.04.2024 23:45

9 z 14: supremekiller

Ok, I hope your not intending to be anonomous, because putting Tales through vmware will eliminate much of that anymity.

10.04.2024 21:01

10 z 14: Urh2006

and that is why? Also no not that annonimous, it was mostly to test it out.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
10.04.2024 22:36

11 z 14: Urh2006

I don't know how much info the host sends to tales
When you're stuck, just try harder.
10.04.2024 22:36

12 z 14: techboy

what is Tales OS anyway
Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
12.04.2024 00:40

13 z 14: supremekiller

Linux operating system that runs in ram, uses tor connections, uses characteristics such as sticking to the one timezone to stop people being identified.`

12.04.2024 16:24

14 z 14: destructatron

XFCE works with orca, as long as you have orca installed. Only thing that doesn't work is the system tray and its default notification daemon, but you can replace xfce4-notifyd with notification-daemon and it works like a charm.

21.04.2024 10:50

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