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Wątek: this is for all who say blind players can not play fortnite. my best fortnite clips.

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21 z 83: ArcticMoon

Yeah same man, same. It would be so damn good to play this thing but well.

-- (Urh2006):
I badly want proof that it is playable though

02.04.2024 21:42

22 z 83: djsenter

I wanna play battlefield or call of duty, now that would be something
03.04.2024 10:30

23 z 83: Urh2006

hell yeah!
When you're stuck, just try harder.
03.04.2024 21:23

24 z 83: destructatron

When final hour comes out, you'll have something similar to COD zombies.

05.04.2024 19:39

25 z 83: Jonathan

meh! Copyed COD sounds and done?

05.04.2024 20:02

26 z 83: marchoffmann

I like how people go like o python is what we use to then not appear more blindy than others. Tbh copying sounds just to make your game is pretty disappointing indeed. I mean, if you would be able to mod it with such soundpack, sure why not, kk. But like, just no. It was disappointing to listen to when I realised how little was self designed.
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
05.04.2024 20:53

27 z 83: blindpro

@marchofmen do you like anything? can't you just take a good audiogame idea and say its good? the game isn't even out!
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
05.04.2024 21:56

28 z 83: ferre

marc, I agree with you on this one
and they lived sadly after. The end
05.04.2024 22:37

29 z 83: marchoffmann

Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
05.04.2024 22:51

30 z 83: blindpro

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
06.04.2024 00:45

31 z 83: marchoffmann

What I hear from this thing is shoot shoot turn turn turn game master treasure collect sound boom boom round 1 2 3 4 5 6 etc. And cod voices all of the time. I mean to be fair if you go the path of concepts then it's not quite much they needed to think about themselfs other than how to implement 3d sound, very important, and reverb, and lowpassing. Again why should we wait until it's out if it's so so easy to already build an opinion based on what I heard? It's not like I'm gonna talk differently about the game after. Of course I might actually give it a shot once out, or I'd play it when I'm bored and cuz there's nothing else rn but nah. Idk.
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
06.04.2024 07:51

32 z 83: khalil2009

@31 I seen your map on sbyw and your game is a zombie shooter as well. so what's so unique about your game from fh
Behold, mortals, and tremble in awe, For I am the sovereign, the ultimate law. Bow down before me, for I hold all sway, In my presence, you'll kneel and obey. I am the master of fate's relentless tide, With power unmatched, I shall abide. All shall serve at my beck and call, For I am the ruler, the one above all.
07.04.2024 19:56

33 z 83: marchoffmann

Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
07.04.2024 20:41

34 z 83: techboy

he says. Our game is created by marc. It is instantly better 100! But like. Cod zombies is a sighted game, and people want to play it, and all you do is just beat it down. My name is marc, and I hate on things.
Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
09.04.2024 18:42

35 z 83: Jonathan

Excuse me, but the one who actually creates the game is me. He is doing the sounds, which have even more worth. And I don't think that he would say this, because he is using the english grama fine.
Also, do you have any better point then mi mi I am techboy and I am just jealous because I can't get enough atention and agreement and just sit on clones the whole day?

10.04.2024 03:36

36 z 83: techboy

Excuse me, sir? I don't think that's the truth. All you do is every game topic, promote your game, talk about your game and do it some more. So I think you and your dumb little happy zombie game that isn't stealing ideas from anyone is low on attention and not me.
-- (Jonathan):
Excuse me, but the one who actually creates the game is me. He is doing the sounds, which have even more worth. And I don't think that he would say this, because he is using the english grama fine.
Also, do you have any better point then mi mi I am techboy and I am just jealous because I can't get enough atention and agreement and just sit on clones the whole day?

Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
10.04.2024 14:03

37 z 83: Jonathan

Hmm, yeah yeah. The answer to my previous question is no then...
I know I will get a warning for this but just shut it up TechBoy, we all understud it now and noone is caring!
btw, do you see this is ironic?
You are the one who brings up our game now,, so thanks for the advertisement, I apriciate you think so much about us :). And even if its low on atention, I don't mind. Its early beta so hasn't deserved atention for now.

10.04.2024 15:17

38 z 83: djsenter

You realise that shut up is not a personal attack, right? You make me laugh dude.
10.04.2024 17:50

39 z 83: Jonathan

Well, I got a warning for this in the old administration so well? Maybe you should define personal attack better then.

10.04.2024 17:55

40 z 83: djsenter

I'm in no way responsible for what happened to you in the old administration, so I honestly don't understand what is the point you're trying to make here. And personal attack can be easily defined using Google.
12.04.2024 19:50

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