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Wątek: Klango question

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1 z 7: DevilGuardian

Hi guys. I saw an archive containing all of the content found in the old klango program. My question is, is there a way to extract the archives? They come in a .karch file extencion, and I'd like to view what's in them.

28.03.2024 03:38

2 z 7: marchoffmann

I don't think you're, supposed to? You listen via elten.
Ist euch denn nicht klar , dass für Menschen , die Unrecht tun, in Gottes Reich kein Platz sein wird? Täuscht euch nicht: Wer sexuell unmoralisch lebt, Götzen anbetet, die Ehe bricht, wer sich von seinen Begierden treiben lässt und homosexuell verkehrt, wird nicht in Gottes Reich kommen. 1. Korinther 6, 9
28.03.2024 16:39

3 z 7: DevilGuardian

Ah okay.

28.03.2024 19:11

4 z 7: ArcticMoon

Would be cool to extract though, it takes forever for elten to download such huge things.
28.03.2024 19:13

5 z 7: DevilGuardian

Agreed. At first I thought those were just glorified zip or rar files.

28.03.2024 19:18

6 z 7: rudolf

it should be possible to figure out the decription key, as the program is not compiled though.
C:\users\<your username>\appdata\roaming\elten\klangoarchive\*.rb
28.03.2024 19:32

7 z 7: DevilGuardian

Ah hah, I see what you mean.

28.03.2024 19:44

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