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Wątek: I cannot perform actions on different files such as .ogg files or with files other than mp3

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1 z 6: theblack

Hello guys, well. I am having some problems with this new PC I purchased.
Currently I find myself working very often with audio files in .ogg format, and when I download a file, or create it, I can't move it from a folder or change its name. Everything automatically stops working if I try. I will thank anyone who can help me.
26.02.2024 13:16

2 z 6: theblack

I clarify that I have Windows 10. On my other PC I can make all the changes and actions, but not here. It doesn't matter if the file is in downloads, or in any folder on the PC. the problem is the same in each location
26.02.2024 13:18

3 z 6: daszekmdn

I have the same problem excluding removing the folder which contains ogg files.

26.02.2024 19:07

4 z 6: theblack

As I was investigating and asking in some places, this happened to many of us after the last update
03.03.2024 15:41

5 z 6: Keoku

a little something you can try. if it doesn't work, at least it'll fix CPU issues with .ogg files. you can see this in action if you use a windows sound skeem that plays sounds when processes open. scrole through .ogg files and watch all the processes open for every damn file you go past regardless if you open it or not. its garbage and slows down your PC. open a powershell prompt as admin and paist this little command in to it. Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions | Remove-AppxPackage –allusers

06.03.2024 05:56

6 z 6: theblack

wow, great, thank you very much
06.03.2024 10:19

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