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Wątek: a windows tip worth sharing

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1 z 7: Mckensie

So there is a way to make your keyboard in windows more responsive. Yes, you heard me right! But it doesn't require you to install more freakin NVDA addons, uh uh! So what you do, is go into control pannel, search keyboard, then go to change cursor blink rate, then when you click on that, next you change both the repeat rate and the cursor blink rate all the way up to 100, hit ok, and there you have it! Your keyboard is more responsive! There is a way to do this in MacOS as well, but I don't know about Linux or whatever, but definitely take advantage of this! You could restart you computer if you wanted to but yeah. That's a way to make your keyboard more responsive!

12.12.2023 01:23

2 z 7: Mckensie

it makes your keyboard faster. By a lot.

12.12.2023 04:23

3 z 7: thespyde

Hmm, I don't see a difference, but thanks for the tip.
Charles Wells
12.12.2023 10:43

4 z 7: marchoffmann

Mine is as fast as I want it to be.
12.12.2023 13:54

5 z 7: Sir-Charlie

Uh? The delay of keyboards are like, single degit Miliseconds. You can't possibly notice that?
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
12.12.2023 17:10

6 z 7: Victor

All I had to do was turn off windows sonic for headphones

12.12.2023 20:49

7 z 7: Sir-Charlie

@11, the thread is objectively irrelevant though. The OP made such a massive deal about this somehow speeding up the responsiveness of the user's keyboards however, keyboards are already so responsive and fast that any further increase to responsiveness would be something like a 0.000000000000025% increase in speed. Surely not an increase in responsiveness that a human can observe or notice, or be of any tangible benefit. There's a limit to toxic positivity. Not everything in the world can be wrapped in rainbows and sunshine like you seem to be doing here. The real world doesn't work like that, friend. People are entitled to share their opinions, providing they do so respectfully which everyone in here have been doing so far.
All that I survey, I could easily destroy. From time to time, it is important to remind these small creatures of the true extent of my power.
13.12.2023 00:49

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