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Wątek: has anyone used Shreddage 3 Hydra vst? And is it accessible?

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1 z 5: yuki

hi all, so as in the tytel, is the Shreddage 3 Hydra vst accessible with reaper?, and also, i just use midi editer and vmk at the moment, so is it usible or?
We all need a soul to rely on it, sholder to cry on it, friend thrue the highs and the lows
02.11.2023 22:58

2 z 5: Mckensie

Ask Mad Gamer, he knows more about this stuff than me, sorry. Mad Gamer knows more about reaper and whatever than me. I don't really mess with that. I do with audacity and gold wave. Sorry.

03.11.2023 02:45

3 z 5: techboy

well then, why'd you post if you don't know?
Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
05.11.2023 02:31

4 z 5: Victor

Damn bro the fact that their's nothing after that is crazy

06.01.2024 08:57

5 z 5: yuki

lmfao i know right? But no worries i got the answers, i just needed some help in reaper stuff and got it
We all need a soul to rely on it, sholder to cry on it, friend thrue the highs and the lows
08.01.2024 13:50

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