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1 z 15: Urh2006

When you're stuck, just try harder.
02.10.2023 20:24

2 z 15: Urh2006

When you're stuck, just try harder.
02.10.2023 20:26

3 z 15: Jonathan

03.10.2023 08:02

4 z 15: Urh2006

When you're stuck, just try harder.
03.10.2023 14:31

5 z 15: Urh2006

When you're stuck, just try harder.
03.10.2023 14:31

6 z 15: Jonathan

I am on a mainstream school, but sadly they even get it, most of them.

03.10.2023 15:18

7 z 15: Jonathan

03.10.2023 15:24

8 z 15: Urh2006

When you're stuck, just try harder.
03.10.2023 21:48

9 z 15: Jonathan

Wel yea, but to be honest, just used it and of course chat gpt in combination with remote saved my ass in french shit.

04.10.2023 08:45

10 z 15: Urh2006

fuck french, sorry.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
04.10.2023 17:04

11 z 15: Jonathan

agree, just kinda forced to have it.

04.10.2023 18:00

12 z 15: rudolf

to be honest. cheating in school is just that stupid in my opinion. I mean, you always just could try to learn it. that will make to continue yourselv in the life instead of let AIs making your work. I never used chatGPT or other AIs for the school. I never used NVDA, teamtalk or this things on the school laptop. I just don't see the sence in that. I mean you are in the school to learn and not to cheat you trhough it and hang out with friends and laugh about your teaches for example. okay, maybe I could understand it better if I would be in harder grades. the 6th grade is pretty easy and the stuff we are learning also. but I also don't see the sentence in this stuff from the, for example, 10 th grade. it doesn't makes sence at all. for example why do you need to know how to calculate this stupid shit in maths? I mean yeah, you need things like minus, plus and such stuff in your life. but the other stuff? meh, aktually not. the same thing for much others though. some things are useful, some others rather not. that's just my opinion, but, meh, idk. okay, I am also not a bad guy in our school. I have good grades so I don't will use and have t use it in school.
05.10.2023 23:37

13 z 15: Monkey999

I don't need to do this probably. The thing is that I am on a mainstream school right now where they know nothing about screen readers and stuf like that. I just have screen curtain on all the time so I can do what ever I want and noone will ever notice.
And that, is why you shouldn't do this.
05.10.2023 23:44

14 z 15: Jonathan

06.10.2023 05:45

15 z 15: Jonathan

06.10.2023 05:48

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