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Wątek: NV Speech player

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1 z 9: Jokyboy129

Hello, I'm from the German community. So my English is not so good. Is there a way tu use the NV Spech Player in N_VDA 2023.2? I've installed this add-on but it doesn't work.

29.09.2023 11:38

2 z 9: rudolf

did you re activated it in the disabled or outdated adons area? if that not works then this adon is really incobatible. may it helps to download one of the older NVDAVersions with wich it is working?
29.09.2023 13:21

3 z 9: Jokyboy129

The add-on is activaded. It works only with NVDA 2019.3.

29.09.2023 17:58

4 z 9: rudolf

then, I personally recommend you to search NVDA2019.3 on I think this version is running on python 2 like someone already in another topic said and that's the reason why it's not working with NVDA2023.2.
29.09.2023 19:26

5 z 9: Jokyboy129

Yes, but I asked for a compatible version of this add-on, not fo a way to fix it.

29.09.2023 19:28

6 z 9: rudolf

I think nobody did the work and re coded it in it's new python version.
29.09.2023 19:38

7 z 9: Adasadula

I think, old NVSpeachPlayer was ported to Espeak, for example voice edward
Jednakże, dzięki swojej odwadze i determinacji, Cicikowi udało się ostatecznie pokonać czarownika i uwolnić ciumbaki. Po powrocie do domu, Cicik z radością zaczął zbierać nowe ciumbaki i bawił się nimi przez długie godziny, wiedząc, że są one teraz bezpieczne i szczęśliwe.
30.09.2023 09:02

8 z 9: blindTechProductions

nvda2019.3 was the version that got upgraded to python3. I think that addon is not working because its way to incompatible and it needs to be updated to support more modern shit, especially when nvaccess did this thing where nvda addons would no longer be compatible if they were from 2019.3 to 2020.4 in newer versions of nvda for whatever reasons
Abortion is unjustifiable. It stands on no ground morally. If it is always wrong to kill an innocent, defenseless human being, then abortion is immoral in all circumstances because that's exactly what it does. This framework dismisses all objections minus the one where the mother's life is in serious danger continuing the pregnancy. And even then, it's not moral it's a necessary evil.
03.10.2023 21:26

9 z 9: blindTechProductions

and yeah I think nvspeech player is now part of espeak
Abortion is unjustifiable. It stands on no ground morally. If it is always wrong to kill an innocent, defenseless human being, then abortion is immoral in all circumstances because that's exactly what it does. This framework dismisses all objections minus the one where the mother's life is in serious danger continuing the pregnancy. And even then, it's not moral it's a necessary evil.
03.10.2023 21:27

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