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Wątek: trying to install nvda portable but the menu doesn't opens right

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1 z 3: Jonathan

Hi, so the title says all, if I press NVDA + N it speaks NVDA Menu, but I can't navigate in it and even if I somehow manage with the mouse the installing process is way to short and doesn't installs anything, what could the problem be? I am installing on a completely new windows 11.

28.08.2023 19:26

2 z 3: Jonathan

god I could made the topic name so much better, well lets ignore that.

28.08.2023 19:27

3 z 3: Jonathan

Here is an error it gaves me: nvdaHelperRemote (injection_terminate) Dialogfeld Error waiting for local thread to die, already dead or not responding.

28.08.2023 19:29

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