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Wątek: error when running some games.

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1 z 5: theblack

hello everyone. Well, I tell you that I've been having some problems when running some games. for example, super liam.
here the error:
Project1 dialog Run-time error '-2147221164 (80040154)':

Unregistered class
I can't run the game.
another game with a similar error is the Horse Racing
theHorseRacingGame dialog Run-time error '-2147221164 (80040154)':

Unregistered class
Does anyone know how I can fix this? I have already tried many things. I will appreciate an answer.
23.08.2023 17:03

2 z 5: theblack

The only thing I hope is that it doesn't affect me when running emulators, because if I don't, will die roflllf.
24.08.2023 19:36

3 z 5: bloodstorm

Have you installed the winkit package?
You can download it here:
let's rock!
24.08.2023 21:51

4 z 5: theblack

hello, or, thank you very much. no, hadn't. Thank you very much since I didn't know what to do anymore.
24.08.2023 21:53

5 z 5: theblack

Definitely, thank you very much. it worked perfectly for me.
24.08.2023 21:56

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