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Wątek: Suggestion: Ability to block users

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1 z 20: musicman5464

So I've had this idea for a while, but have only really fleshed it out as of now. In short, my suggestion is that we should have the ability to block users on this application. Let me explain my reasoning.

First, let's say that you're on Eltin and someone else, who you also know is on elten, has caused you problems in the past (be it abuse, bullying Etc.) As of this moment, so far as I'm aware, there's no way to prevent someone like this from sending you private messages, adding you to their contact list, and so on. This could eventually cause some problems if left to be as it is, because while you can certainly report users who engage in such behavior to admins, there's no guarantee that anything can, or will, be done unles proof is provided.

Second, let's say that you're reading the forums and you come across someone who has a habit of spamming. You may not want to see things like that. In such cases, we should be able to block them. This would effectively make it so you wouldn't see their messages on forums in addition to them being unable to send you messages, add you to their contacts Etc.

Right now this is very rough and there are more than likely things I haven't touched on here, so things can be expanded upon if needed. But that's the start of what I've got going. If you have any thoughts, I'd like to hear them.
Regards, Joseph
22.08.2023 23:53

2 z 20: neptune

I think you can, blacklist them or something.
Fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice, shame on you. Fool me 3 times...Well fuck. I am ashamed.
23.08.2023 01:16

3 z 20: musicman5464

I've never seen an option for this when looking at someone's profile. If it is indeed a thing, how would one do this?
Regards, Joseph
23.08.2023 01:18

4 z 20: radio729

There is a way to prevent people from sending you private messages. Put them on your Black List. You can find the Black List by going to the Community menu, Manage My account, Privacy.
I don't think this will prevent you from seeing them on the forum though.

23.08.2023 01:25

5 z 20: musicman5464

Oh heh. Well that's me schooled then.
Regards, Joseph
23.08.2023 02:48

6 z 20: Jonathan

Yea, exact, you can still see them in conferences and forums, well except you are the admin of the channel/group and block their there too, but yup, this is how you stop users sending you dumb messages...
Heil Morti!
23.08.2023 07:27

7 z 20: musicman5464

Hmm. Well, perhaps I should amend my suggestion to state that adding someone to your blacklist should prevent you from seeing them on forums as well, unless you are the admin/mod of a particular forum or group.
Regards, Joseph
23.08.2023 12:36

8 z 20: Jonathan

Na, wouldn't make sence because stuff would get out of context, if the person theirself is an admin you must see warnings and other moderation stuff, no, just no, to much work for not really an important thing.
Heil Morti!
23.08.2023 12:50

9 z 20: musicman5464

Yeah that makes sense. Ok. So then, blacklisting wouldn't do anything on forums. It would, however, still prevent people from sending you private messages, interacting with your feed, attempting to call you etc. Yeah, clearly I didn't think this out. Please delete this topic because it's not at all in line with what I'd consider to be a good suggestion, in terms of it actually being fleshed out. If necessary I'll accept a warning for posting half-formed or less than worthwhile ideas. Thank you, and good day.
Regards, Joseph
23.08.2023 12:56

10 z 20: Jonathan

Yup yup, ah no worry, we don't even have any active moderation here, don't think this is worth a warning, yall have wrong thoughts about good administration. + yea, you can't get called, or texted, every other thing would be way to difficult to build or even makes sence.
Heil Morti!
23.08.2023 13:35

11 z 20: musicman5464

Well that's...unfortunate. So I don't get to be held accountable. Great. Just what I like to hear. Thanks.
Regards, Joseph
23.08.2023 17:17

12 z 20: Jonathan

Aem, lol, what the fuck?
Heil Morti!
23.08.2023 17:18

13 z 20: musicman5464

Like...ok. So I posted an idea that wasn't really thought out. Not smart. I suggest that I shoul probably be warned for this because...let's be real here. Posting stupid ideas isn't cool. I'm told, unfortunate as it is, that no active moderation is present, so warnings can't be given. Effectively, that makes me think I won't be held accountable for posting said idea in the first place, which kind of annoys me.
Regards, Joseph
23.08.2023 17:21

14 z 20: rudolf

agree to the others. firstly, this option is already existing and working fine. sekondly, why you all are sooo scared from the new admin of the group, pajper, or the admin and moderation in general? they will don't kill you. asking is totally free, you know?
23.08.2023 17:42

15 z 20: Jonathan

Bro, your sence about moderation and warnings is absolute dumb, this topic should be archived, done. mean musicman, not rudolf!
Heil Morti!
23.08.2023 20:03

16 z 20: musicman5464

well then, the mods can archive it and do whatever they feel is necessary. I don't really care what. Or hell, just remove it since this is going wildly off topic.
Regards, Joseph
23.08.2023 21:20

17 z 20: Jonathan

why are you always liking your own posts? little bit weird if you ask me.
Heil Morti!
24.08.2023 08:52

18 z 20: marchoffmann

Agree. But gamer kid has done that too, idk people get weird nowadays and you better think about if talking to them may be smart, perfect example. I just keep silent more nowadays, not as much but am working on it, because that won't get me into anything
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
24.08.2023 16:36

19 z 20: marchoffmann

But I do wonder why you want a warning for every of your threads. If you want to act super careful, just think about creating them twice. And again, what should happen? Pajper going to the big red button and being tempted to press it? Surely not. Nuno and Moon are no longer mod, there I'd understand cuz they're a bit harsh on stuff like that but.
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
24.08.2023 16:38

20 z 20: marchoffmann

Ugh and I get this new habit of formulating myself worse than usual and editing every single post...
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
24.08.2023 16:39

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