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Wątek: Recommend me a minimalistic and accessible weather app for Android

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1 z 3: cyrmax

Hello, community!
As the subject says, could you recommend me some weather app for Android?
On IPhone we have standard Apple Weather app which looks good and has no extra shit or adds.
I need an ability to open app and immediately see weather in my city or by my current location.
Also would be nice if there exists some switcher that allows to add more locations and fastly switch between them.

Thanks in advance!
26.07.2023 12:53

2 z 3: vycka30

I don't use android. but as I know, the default weather app is accessible.

26.07.2023 21:57

3 z 3: cyrmax

The problem is that there is no default app.
Xiaomi has its own app, samsung too, almost every vendor adds its own weather app.
26.07.2023 22:12

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