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Wątek: Help with Echoes from Levia

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1 z 12: Musicant

Hi, everyone!
I need some help with the "Echoes from Levia". I am stuck at the level where i should pass through the marsh by avoiding the bubbling sounds. The problem is that no matter where i go i allways go to the dead end and i have either to go back or to die. . Please, give me some clue or share the secret of this level if there is any.

08.07.2023 13:30

2 z 12: Musicant

Update: the question is not longer actual. I managed to do it myself. It was very easy but tricky at the first glance.

08.07.2023 14:39

3 z 12: thedominator

How do you do it, I am stuck on that as well, plees tell me.

08.07.2023 14:51

4 z 12: Musicant

The confusing thing is that marshes infront of you and marshes behind you are both indicated and both with the same sound. So yoou should remember your previous steps to be able to determine exactly what does this bubbling sound in the center means at this particular moment. If there are marshes infront and behind you simultaneously, then you will hear two bubbling sounds in the center one after another. To make keeping track of your movement easier, it is a good idea tto avoid turning and use only side steps for moving left and right.
While writing this message i thought that another approach would be also possible but i didn't try to use it myself. This one is with using turning. When you hear the bubbling sound in the center, try to turn right. If the marsh is in front of you, then the sound will move to the left. If behind, then the sound will move to your right. Of course, there might be also left and right sounds. They will occupy the center after turning.

09.07.2023 18:38

5 z 12: Musicant

I have another question. Has this game been completed? I played the pc version and passed it through till the end but it finished abruptly at the most interesting place. So is there any completed version either for pc or mobile platforms?

09.07.2023 21:07

6 z 12: thedominator

I do not know.

09.07.2023 21:15

7 z 12: tunmi13

Well as far as I know, it is no longer being worked on. The iOS version has been pulled from the App Store.
Game Developer and Music Producer,, or YouTube.
20.07.2023 20:33

8 z 12: sistem

and why is the game not being installed
my comp is govno
13.12.2023 20:24

9 z 12: ferre

is it paid I mean the game
and they lived sadly after. The end
14.01.2024 01:21

10 z 12: Musicant

No, it is free but unfinished, so i woldn't recommend you to deal with it anyway.

14.01.2024 13:10

11 z 12: ferre

I am playing this and my question is, I'm stuck at the musical doors thing, what to do
and they lived sadly after. The end
14.01.2024 23:33

12 z 12: Musicant

You're the second man who asked me about this but i completely forgot how i did that. It was something pretty easy, it was about repeating the tune which you hear in preceding flash back. If you do it wrong, it repeats again. So you should find and activate the proper sounds one by one, as far as i remember this.

15.01.2024 18:43

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