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Wątek: Panic attacks! Some advice is needed

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1 z 22: marchoffmann

The title says it all. Almost 3 weeks ago, I randomly started encountering them, and first I took it as something more dangerous I encountered once but it apparently wasn't. So since then, I time by time suffer from those panic attacks. Sometimes when I'm nervice they come up, but often it comes up without thinking about bad things or having stress, even then sometimes. Or, when I'm in a place with a lot of people and the air isn't the best one. I'm kinda worried about it. All I want is life life nicely for once... But well now there's this. And if it gets worse it could prevent me from doing many things I want to do. Because if I have them I probably wouldn't risc continue doing that thing /being at place x or y, etc.
Has anyone of you experience with those, maybe even solutions?
Thanks in advance.
Ps: Often people just say relax but that's what I often do some days and well we see how much change that made. It can be any part of the brain triggering it even if not noticing it, like I said.
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
07.06.2023 19:54

2 z 22: tonio2007

well, panic attacks are often caused by mental problems like an anxiety disorder or other problems. If you have this very frequent, i recoment you make an appointment at a mental health specialist to get this checked. Trust me, it does not help to just ignore the problems, that'll make it worse.

08.06.2023 11:18

3 z 22: ArcticMoon

Sadly we aren't neither psichologists, nor doctors here. I'd talk to a well educated person in this case, because it's a serious situation. All we can say here is that talking to such a person isn't a shame at all, they are there to help :)
08.06.2023 12:24

4 z 22: Louisa

I can only agree with the others here. Perhaps paying a visit to your local GP might help, to diagnose what the issue could be. Then the person could refer you to someone else. That's the only suggestion I can think of, at this moment.

08.06.2023 20:44

5 z 22: Urh2006

hey marc, I got rid of them on my own, no external help needed. contact me for more details. It only requires patience and confidence.
When you're stuck, just try harder.
11.06.2023 17:55

6 z 22: ArcticMoon

It doesn't work for everyone though. I can only suppose that maybe your situation wasn't that horrible, and you could get out without external help. Many people can't.
12.06.2023 17:31

7 z 22: tonio2007

yeah @ arktic, that is what i was also going to say here. Sure, you might manage to get out yourselv, but that is hard and it only works if your situation is not that bad. So I would really recomment you see someone and get yourselv checked up.

12.06.2023 22:52

8 z 22: Urh2006

When you're stuck, just try harder.
19.06.2023 13:16

9 z 22: ranro86

You should speak to someone who can help. Internet is full of people who think they know more. But if you can get drug iawaska, you can take it like junglepeopl and vomit up your emotions.

29.06.2023 03:13

10 z 22: marchoffmann

uh, ok?
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
29.06.2023 10:56

11 z 22: Louisa

um, why bring that up? If you can find a psychologist/counceler, that could help to start with.

29.06.2023 23:34

12 z 22: fatih

Norway is a social government. I think they'll help you.

06.07.2023 22:43

13 z 22: marchoffmann

Who's they. Not to mension I'm first, uncomfortable with norwegian, second I d k who would be the best to talk about this and I don't open up to random people, etc etc etc I won't begin the argument list why I don't feel like psychologists.
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
06.07.2023 23:28

14 z 22: fatih

Isn't there a social support system where you can tell your problems to the authorities in Norway?

07.07.2023 10:21

15 z 22: marchoffmann

To even more random weirdo's somewhere in what, oslo or what? lmfao.
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
07.07.2023 11:05

16 z 22: marchoffmann

Dude I don't want to make a huge thing out of it tbh
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
07.07.2023 11:06

17 z 22: Kaito

I get what you mean but like the others here said, it might get worse if you do nothing and keep ignoring it.
Signed: Orochimaru.
08.07.2023 11:04

18 z 22: djsenter

I would also be thankful for any tips and strategies, or if anyone would want to share their experiences.
Recently one of my family members has started experiencing panic attacks, they say that they feel a kind of dryness in their throat and on a psychological level, they are scared that they will choke, that they won't be able to breathe anymore. They also struggle in small spaces and really hot weather, you know the feeling when the air gets heavy, kinda hanging in the sky and giving some people this suffocating feeling.
08.07.2023 17:22

19 z 22: marchoffmann

Yeah, I also had this when air was a little, idk how to say it, but when I was outside and it was just warm and not much air I started to feel uncomfortable too. It doesn't happen always but it can.
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
08.07.2023 17:25

20 z 22: marchoffmann

1 Thing that may trigger is that, in april I had an epilepsy attack and sometimes I probably fear it coming back somehow even if I don't think of it. Thus, when I don't feel well or get a headache I probably panic that it could be it and that could be one thing triggering it
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
08.07.2023 17:26

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