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Wątek: Why can i not search on the ag forum

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1 z 5: GamerKid

When i try to search the audiogames forum and i press enter it doesn't search and it shoots me back up to the top of the main page. Why is this?
i'm sick of being underestimated. you bring up a point against me, bring the evidence or it's completely bullshit. also fuck pedofilia.
05.05.2023 19:23

2 z 5: techboy

Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
07.05.2023 02:00

3 z 5: techboy

there are other occurentses of it ha[pening thoguh
Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
07.05.2023 02:00

4 z 5: alvin

useing the windows key with up arrow can fix most accessibility problems, this shortcut will fill the screen and minimize any floating windows, makeing navigation easier
Pineapple on pizza is a mistake
08.05.2023 20:17

5 z 5: ArcticMoon

Something went wrong and noone can search normally now. Hopefully they are going to fix it. However, I cannot tell you to search for topics there, but it's definitely a new thing so I guess you'll have better luck if you ask exactly on that forum.
On the other hand, why haven't we already learned that if we don't know something, better don't write anything? This constant IDK is annoying to be honest.
08.05.2023 20:24

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