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Wątek: Port forwarding.

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1 z 4: DerekMerced

Hello, does anyone know a easy way to forward ports? I tried network utilities with nvda and OCR. However, I have had no luck.

23.04.2023 02:22

2 z 4: Seedy-Threepio

Do you have access to your router's admin panel? If so, use that. Instructions for doing this vary from router to router. If not, you could try using something like the Darkflyer port forwarder which is UPNP based.

23.04.2023 09:42

3 z 4: Monkey999

I recomend using your router settings. It is the safest and most customisable way to do it.
And that, is why you shouldn't do this.
24.04.2023 10:14

4 z 4: damien-rainey

depending on your router, and your screenreader settings, this can either be your worst nightmare, or a walk in the park.
There is no easy way to let someone down. my advice, just find a way to work things out, and maybe it'll all turn out for the good.
25.04.2023 04:45

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