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Wątek: Cortana Voice

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21 z 37: usuf

actually, there is a way to get the german cortana voice, I have the regrestry patch somewhere.

05.04.2023 22:41

22 z 37: marchoffmann

o it'd be nice to get them both, if you could find it that'd be cool
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
05.04.2023 23:29

23 z 37: techboy

oh and wrks sounds like a radio station!
Hello! This is radio wrks! Today we will be playing music!
Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
06.04.2023 01:26

24 z 37: techboy

and also, here is the cortana reg files. You need to use both ones.
Trussville roll: Deep-fried, smoked salmon, crab salad, cream cheese, topped with mango sauce, sweet soy-reduction, green onion. MMMMM
06.04.2023 01:27

25 z 37: usuf

here is both, if you want any other cortana voices in any other accsent or language, feal free to ask.

06.04.2023 01:30

26 z 37: usuf

actually no, you don't. the second one is canadion

06.04.2023 01:32

27 z 37: Jonathan

Oh, do you have them for microsoft sam? Sorry if I am wrong but it should work or?

06.04.2023 05:57

28 z 37: Jonathan

Um, for me just the german cortana thing works, idk why.

06.04.2023 06:03

29 z 37: Jonathan

Oh, then it seems to that just the voice works, on wich the language of the pc is?

06.04.2023 06:03

30 z 37: marchoffmann

The german one works fine here
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
06.04.2023 14:00

31 z 37: Jonathan

Yea, same, but the others not.

06.04.2023 14:04

32 z 37: marchoffmann

But my system lang is not german unlike yours. Thanks for the voices anyway. Gonna check out the english one soon, just not ithat interested right now cuz it's not to amazing for much use. But it's fun to use the german one and compare it with normal Katja.
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
06.04.2023 14:05

33 z 37: marchoffmann

Ok I actually tried it now and it works for me like it should? Hmm.
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
06.04.2023 14:09

34 z 37: usuf

if the englesh one aint working, try installing the englesh onecore pack, and it should work perfectly fine.

06.04.2023 14:36

35 z 37: marchoffmann

Aha! So you need those lower quality voices for it to work? Then this is why it works for me. Wait, do you also have a norwegian version, does that exist? I'd wonder how that would sound, I may actually need norwegian stuff for school.
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
06.04.2023 23:16

36 z 37: usuf

no, there is no cortana voice for norwegen, so I asume it just uses microsoft john?

07.04.2023 17:05

37 z 37: marchoffmann

Yeah Ms john is the only norwegian voice. But would be weird if cortana would use something so bad.
Miracles happen. The question though, is when...
07.04.2023 17:08

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