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Wątek: Toggle buttons alternative

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1 z 1: Emrah20

Firstly, I would like to note You, that I would like to help developers to make this site accessible for the blind. I love It and I know about some alternatives to, which I dislike sometimes....
In there is finally 'collection' function. This is something, like playlists. Problem is, that if I'd like to add some tracks to those connections, toggle buttons are not accessible.
I am not a developer, but is there any alternative to those buttons? For example, what is name of this object to create buttons, which screen reader noticed, that are pressed? Or, which alternative be in this point? Checkboxes?
I know It is new website, but It isn't reason to not help make this website accessible.
Thank You for Your help.
Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.
12.03.2023 01:54

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