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Wątek: Announcing Eltenger, EltenLink client for iOS and Android

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1 z 36: pajper

I admit that a certain group of users has already secretly participated in the project, and at my request they did not let the steam out of their mouths. :)

I am pleased to inform you that for the first time in public, well, almost publicly, I can present the slowly but surely emerging mobile application of the EltenLink platform.
Eltenger, because this is the temporary name of this application, in its current form is a client of private messages. Its functions are very limited, you can write and read ... Well, that's pretty much it.
We don't have notifications, group management and the whole envelope yet. But slowly towards the goal, I managed to reorganize my work to reserve a few hours a week for Eltenger, so I promise more or less regularly, but the project will develop.

Eltenger is an application for iOS and Android.

Overall, the plans are to integrate private messaging first, then conferences and forums.

I have decided that at least for now, in these early versions, the app will be available to sponsors. I think that's a pretty fair approach.
So, people who have a sponsorship package and want to take part in the tests, please send me a private message with information about the platform (iOS / Android) and your e-mail address.

And I hope we can build something cool together. :)
#StandWithUkraine Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
07.03.2023 22:50

2 z 36: bomberman29

only sponsors? but what if I cannot buy a sponsorship because paypal and other payment is closed in russia?
my github:
08.03.2023 11:59

3 z 36: bomberman29

guys, how is that possible? in elten mobile the latest commit is on on Apr 21, 2020 but the app is developing now
my github:
08.03.2023 12:02

4 z 36: marchoffmann

at post 2 well just as usual. Either it's pay to win, pay to have fun, pay to be treeded nicely, etc. Sadly that is how everything works nowadays...
09.03.2023 19:14

5 z 36: marchoffmann

And well I'm not allowed to buy anything/get a paypal here yet so I'm kinda in a similar situation but lol who'd care. Besides I don't feel like getting elten premium membership even if I have it because I'm not sure what I'd use it for. Also this thing needs more stabilization bugfixing and just some tiny improvements. Especially regarding lag or everything loading/ticking for ages sometimes. Edit, didn't you even say this programming language elten is written in isn't that great for those purposes?
09.03.2023 19:16

6 z 36: bomberman29

i didn't i think. but i forgot.
my github:
10.03.2023 15:56

7 z 36: marchoffmann

I remember you saying that in some thread but I'm really not sure where anymore.
10.03.2023 15:59

8 z 36: DianaCician

This is the society nowadays sadly, Marc. Money does everything. And if you're very beautiful/handsome by default you don't even need that, everyone will look to you. So either that, or you have money and if you have both at the same time...just omg.
-- (marchoffmann):
at post 2 well just as usual. Either it's pay to win, pay to have fun, pay to be treeded nicely, etc. Sadly that is how everything works nowadays...

Signed by, no one in particular.
11.03.2023 09:17

9 z 36: bomberman29

but we're blind and we don't have good saleries. Idk how is in different countries but...
my github:
11.03.2023 10:19

10 z 36: Jonathan

You know this is a Beta. Later you can also use it with out beeing payd. So don't cry like its the most important thing on world! Its also extrem buggy yet.

11.03.2023 12:05

11 z 36: marchoffmann

lol neither of us cried. We just pointed out facts. Besides I think this thread should go further up, it's like 6 pinned threads here which is kind of anoying and most are out of date.
11.03.2023 15:05

12 z 36: marchoffmann

@jonathan I mean. Keep in mind you're a tester and have all sorts of inside view just cuz you pay money to the guy. Imagine it from the outside perspective. All the little we get here, then yeah he's busy in real life, but then pay and get or don't and be stuck with no info and contact what so ever, dude this entire system/the way he handles this is extremely messed up. In my point of view at least.
11.03.2023 15:07

13 z 36: Jonathan

Yea, and now, what is a tester if everyone can test? Anyhow he has to get his money.

11.03.2023 15:08

14 z 36: Jonathan

And your facts are often very interesting and very inaceptable in my opinyon, because it aren't facts anymore, you say they are facts, but facts aren't your opinyon.

11.03.2023 15:09

15 z 36: marchoffmann

Nah, apparently everyone can't. Only sponsores of course. And if he needs so much money, jobs exist. It's generally a bad idea being dependent on games/programs for blinds to get in money. My point is simply that if people already have to pay then at least those who can't should get any sort of chance to get some info about anything, not just after 1 year or whatever. But not just that, why does he create this elten sponsor iOS beta if this program has enough errors to fix and improvements to be included.
11.03.2023 15:11

16 z 36: marchoffmann

No, they are facts. My opinion is simply what I think about them. People can correct me if I'm wrong. And tbh you just say that now because you're a little mad at me from yesterday. You don't need to bring that over.
11.03.2023 15:11

17 z 36: marchoffmann

Or another thing which is started but still incomplete and sort of abandoned is the english elten webside. There are a lot of things that just need to be finished, but whatever.
11.03.2023 15:12

18 z 36: Jonathan

Um yea, thats what I am saying, you want that everyone can test it, or not just payed users, but what is a tester then, if everyone could test it. But whatever, talking with you is like talking with a wall, so have a nice day.

11.03.2023 15:16

19 z 36: Jonathan

Oh, and you know that the sponsores aren't the first who got access, you got the information as soon as me... Just that I also can test it.

11.03.2023 15:16

20 z 36: Jonathan

And well, it works, so I guess he has a job, and if not, he has money, so where is the problem?

11.03.2023 15:17

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