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Wątek: RAM Issue

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1 z 6: mad-gamer

Hello guys.
So I went to play some games on my computer today, and I noticed that my RAM was being intensely used. I have an HP Pavilion laptop with 16 GB of RAM, and literally almost all of it is being used. Does anyone have any suggestions or fixes?
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19.02.2023 19:25

2 z 6: marchoffmann

restart? Lol
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
19.02.2023 21:10

3 z 6: ArcticMoon

Very helpful. :P Well, at first you could check what uses these awfully lots of ram, to see the root of the problem.
20.02.2023 00:38

4 z 6: marchoffmann

lol literally just restart the pc ishue is gone. lmao
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
20.02.2023 11:58

5 z 6: ArcticMoon

Not necessarily. There are hidden apps that might eat the RAM even after restarting the PC, there's nothing unusual about that.
20.02.2023 21:02

6 z 6: marchoffmann

I mean that always worked for me when I had that ishue, and I had it just like twice in a little over a year I'm having this tpc now. I never had it so it didn't help after restart, what I often encounter though is high CPU usage when plugged in or opening stuff like discord sometimes.
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
21.02.2023 15:40

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