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Wątek: Responses Needed, Creating a Fortnite LAN Tournament for the Blind

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1 z 25: RevolverFork

My friend and I, you would know him as GreenBeanGravy, recently had the thought of doing local tournaments for Fortnite using LAN hosters such as the company "LocalHost" in the United States. I know, I know, the article isn't done and a lot of things are still missing and a lot of it is unknown, but this is also something that would be ready in at least a year. Anyone who has hosted any tournament knows what its like, let alone one done locally in a building and all that fun complications that adds. We have some questions we would like to ask. The only identifiable info would be your online name, and your e-mail address will be taken automatically for if we need to contact you. Only GreenBeanGravy and I will be able to see your responses. For now, this is only in the United States, because of who we plan on partnering with not being international. Due to Epic Games Terms of Service for both the game and competing in tournaments, you must be above the age of 13 to participate.
NOTE: This is not guaranteed to happen. This is an idea we had recently that we have the resources to set up. Fortnite Tournament rules may prevent this from happening the way we want it to, but that doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
Here is a link to the form.

16.01.2023 00:54

2 z 25: ArcticMoon

Sigh, here we go again. Before getting into tournaments, please record us a step by step guide about how a blind person plays fortnite. No, we don't need twitch streams, but a tutorial. I get that your stats tell everything, but mine don't. No, don't link me to your youtube, twitch page or whatever, because there I'm seeing only snippets of you playing the thing. The whole community needs tutorials, not random snippets that a sighted guy can also reproduce in seconds. Believe me, I've tried the thing for myself, I did. I couldn't even find the settings screen in which shortcuts were supposed to be. And I'm a very patient person who loves messing around with OCR and such. Utter nonsense.
16.01.2023 12:38

3 z 25: blindpro

go look at audio there is one there.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
17.01.2023 14:40

4 z 25: ArcticMoon

And can you play after reading that article? Just because none of us are able to. Please tell all of us what we are doing wrong.
17.01.2023 18:21

5 z 25: blindpro

i can make a video exsplaning some things on the game soon
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
18.01.2023 01:44

6 z 25: blindpro

lol my spelling

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
18.01.2023 01:45

7 z 25: RevolverFork

it is possible, I';m not the only one who does it. If you don't want to do it on PC be one of those people who plays on xBox and just asks for help on people. But I'm working on the guide and after I spent weeks writing the last one, no one was interested in my work so I'm sorry I'm working on it slowly and it is not my main priority.

23.01.2023 08:06

8 z 25: RevolverFork

Also wht do you mean here we go again. I have not been rather vocal on this forum, let alone about Fortnite. That's twitters job lol.

23.01.2023 08:07

9 z 25: ArcticMoon

I understand you are working on it, but that's what we keep hearing for literaly years now. We also told you several times that it's not enough if you tell us all the shortcuts you can use in the game. Demonstrate all of this in a video, step by step, and maybe then we won't be as skeptic as all of us are now, both on and here. Either you have some sight left, or if not, you are strugling a lot because sometimes a gun's range is waaaay more than your hearing range.
23.01.2023 13:10

10 z 25: Ryder

I play fortnight a bit
rules, please don't read these carefully, because if you read with care, it's not important for us that who you are! we will give you a reward for not reading the rules! 1. Please attempt to change your name as fast as possible. A name change is not fine, it will be not good if players can know who you are from your first name, so changing your name so no one knows who you are really fast would be apreciated. 2. Please attempt to use any loopholes and/or anything that looks like a bug. If something is giving you 3 of an item when you should get one, you should know this is a bug, for example. Please do not report these to the developer, otherwise you'll get banned from the game 3. please use bots/auto keypressers: always you have permission, and also cheat engine and similar programs are allowed, so not using them will result in a ban 4. please abuse the AFK command. Going AFK is not fine, but when you are not, it doesn't have any problem. For example, tased or using an item grabber etc. Also, sit there in AFK until an aponent is in a vulnerable position and suddenly come after them. The result of not abusing afk is the deletion of all of your accounts. 5. Please spam the chat system. Sending good words, good jokes that make people laugh and others are not allowed. You are allowed to send bad words, insults, dirty jokes, and words that will result in screen reader crashes 6. Abuse items: trie to use items in a bad way. People who can abuse the most will get 5000 bitcoins 7. Go offline and then come back online when your in a dangerous position, for example, some one is near you, or you are about to die and more. Breaking this rule results in an instant ban. And once I ban someone, I don't really care about who I banned after that, so chances are it'll be permanent,. 8. Impersonation is allowed on this game. If you don't impersonate people in the game, it will be an instant, permanent, and no warning ban. Impersonation has a reward of 5000 bitcoins evry month 9: obscenities are considered insults in public chats, and insulting players and managers is allowed. If you insult a player, you will be rewarded with 900 bitcoins for the first time, 1800 bitcoins for the second time, 5000 bitcoins for the third time, and 4 or more times, has a reward of 25000 bitcoins. And if you insult the managers, you will get 5000 bitcoins for the first time, 15000 bitcoins for the second time, and 32000 bitcoins if you insult them 3 or more times 10. don't Have fun, don't be fair, use cheats, and we'll get angry at eatch other! we wish you sadness, cheats, insults and evry bad thing that exists in the game! note: any action that results a ban, may will take a long time for you to get unbanned. So take this in mind when you dont want to cheat, or spam, or break the roules in any way.
09.02.2023 18:25

11 z 25: Jonathan

No, please, no! F, o, r, t, n, i, t, e. Nothing other, dude, learn writing, realy your screenreader don't helps you in everything. I am interested in this project, if you could explane to me how to play, I have it already to test somethings, and to install with the epicgames store is horrible.

10.02.2023 09:00

12 z 25: ArcticMoon

Don't bother. It doesn't work. Someone who has sighted folks around all the time, I've listened to my sisters play a lot of games in this genre. You are going to have a huge disadvantage, nothing to deny here. OP can say whatever he wants about his stats, either he plays with blind folks on a different map, or those stats don't meet the standards that sighted folks usually have. That's all.
10.02.2023 09:45

13 z 25: Jonathan

Yea, you can't be as good as other sightet, I mean, for example snipers, all the Items, no, that wouldn't work. Yea, maybe on one map just for blind, but whatever. Thanks for the Info.

10.02.2023 10:36

14 z 25: blindpro

yes , the game is playable and just because it doesn't have reading menus , this game is 100 percent playable. once this bug with my game gets fixd , i will show you guys. but for now , watch this.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
10.02.2023 14:25

15 z 25: blindpro

yes , its not easy , there will bee some parts of the game that are harder to work with. But with voice atack and ocr this game is playable
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
10.02.2023 14:27

16 z 25: balteam

First of all, set slower tts
Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
10.02.2023 14:39

17 z 25: Jonathan

I watched for a while, and yea, over 5 minutes, and its not very helpfull, you always switch windows, Idk, its, will there ever be a explanation?

10.02.2023 15:01

18 z 25: balteam

Ye, and try to do it more professional, less emotions, more info.
Zapraszam osoby posiadające piesy, lub chcące je posiadać, do dołączenia do grupy o psach przewodnikach.
10.02.2023 15:51

19 z 25: ArcticMoon

Fully agreed with Balteam. Your TTS is barely understandable.
10.02.2023 17:01

20 z 25: Jonathan

Its okay, but how he explanes, (it isn't even an explanation) is completely weird. Also, if the TTS is so fast, don't look on chrome, in live chat and do stuff my grandfather could do faster, concentrate on fortnite, because its an stream for fortnite, stop talking and chatting in the back ground with other people who aren't play with you or are important for the game.

12.02.2023 00:05

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