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Wątek: my cm server

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1 z 6: Anis

Hello everyone. Here's the Anis with a hosted game of mine called CM. it can be found at:

08.01.2023 17:39

2 z 6: marchoffmann

tf is cm?
People are complicated. This keeps getting prooven over and over and goes to a point where it makes no sense anymore.
08.01.2023 17:52

3 z 6: ArcticMoon

Prove me this is not a clone and after we'll talk. Until then, I'm keeping an eye on this topic and if the rest of the team also decides that way, we might close the thread.
08.01.2023 19:46

4 z 6: blindpro

this is a clone , but who cares? clones are also games. also, we are running out of non clones so
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9
09.01.2023 00:33

5 z 6: daszekmdn

Remove links please. Clones.

09.01.2023 01:07

6 z 6: nuno69

This is definitely a clone. Link removed, user warned.
- "Intelligence and wisdom is like jam. The less you have, the harder you're trying to spread it arround." - French proverb
09.01.2023 01:08

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